Chapter 7: Intimidate

  Reed pondered for a while and then made a decision.

   The development of the blood race in such a rough way will definitely not work.

   There are still three years before the player arrives. If you prey on humans unscrupulously, then the group of natural disasters will definitely be excited to kill the blood races one by one.

   Besides, he is not a pervert, letting the blood race hunt and kill all the living people in this way can't make it through in my heart.

   Both public and private blood races must now be changed.

  In the human world, even the king of a country may not be able to make any major reforms to his country... The nobles and vested interests will resist in the most fierce way.

   Fortunately, he is the ancestor of the blood family, and the blood family has absolute loyalty to him, so it is not difficult to make changes.

   "Otis, notify all the people in the meeting hall"

  Otis bowed his head respectfully.

   "Yes, father"

  Father, the corners of his mouth twitched hard when he heard the title Reed.

   Otis is a bloodline developed by Reed and belongs to the second generation of blood.

   There are only seven second-generation blood clans in the entire castle, and the other blood clans are all developed from these seven second-generation blood clans.

   There is nothing wrong with Otis calling him his father, but he secretly complained about the face that was close to forty in Reed.


   There was a bat flying, and Otis went down to inform.

   Reed didn't want to stay on the wall too much. It turned into a swarm of bats and flew directly along the memory to the central hall of the castle.

   flew in along the open semi-circular arch, the hall was magnificent, and the stained glass windows painted the creation myth and blood heroes.

   The sculpture of a portrait with clear skin texture carries the wings of a bat and the iconic fangs of the blood family.

   Various wild reliefs depict various terrifying beasts, and even the top of the hall is carved with a lifelike fire-breathing dragon.

   There is a strong smell of Western church everywhere in the hall.

   At the center of the theme, the bat disappeared and the figure of Reed appeared.

   Looking at the exquisite buildings and decorations around, there is a bit of appreciation in his eyes.

   deserves to be a vampire known for his elegance, the layout here is much more luxurious than his mage tower.

  Various antique utensils, artistic statues, hand-painted oil paintings by masters, and even carpets are very elegant.

   Just as Reed was curiously looking at the various oil paintings in the hall, the sound of wings stirred up.

   The blood races in the hall kept appearing, and all the blood races in the castle came together within ten minutes.

   The 200 people are not crowded in the wide hall. The crowd is elegant in every move. The men are handsome and personable, and the women are elegant and polite.

   Although there are such scenes in my memory in Reed, it is still in a good mood to see so many handsome and beautiful girls with my own eyes.

   Sure enough, the appearance is justice, pleasing to the eye.

   The kinsmen below looked at the Reed on the theme, all with respect and admiration.

   The pressure of blood makes them respectful, and the power of Reed makes them admire.

   The seven middle-aged men and women in the front step forward two steps.

  , leading the kinsmen behind, bowed to Reed sitting on the central theme.

   "Yean, Patriarch"

   Reed stood up and nodded slightly to the bottom, following the arrogant posture of the ancestor of the blood race.

   After everyone straightened up, he said slowly.

   "I am calling you all to discuss the future of our blood family"

   As soon as the words came out, the kinsmen underneath suddenly froze and looked at Reed with curious eyes.

   Reed is already obsessed with studying magic on weekdays, and seldom pays attention to the internal affairs of the blood family.

   It is the first time in decades that all the blood races have been gathered so solemnly.

   Dios took the lead to respond.

   "Patriarch, would you please say"

  'S face is a bit serious. In front of other blood races, he rarely directly calls Reed his father.

   Although several other second-generation descents were curious about the actions of Reed, they all followed suit.

   "Under the crown of the ancestor, you don't have to worry about it"


  As the ancestor of the blood family, these are his descendants, Reed has absolute authority in the blood family.

   Even if they ordered 200 people to attack Grimm which has tens of thousands of troops, they would not hesitate.

   Reed is very satisfied with the reaction of these blood races.

   "It seems that I still underestimated the weight of his identity as the ancestor of the blood clan in the blood clan"

   said in a solemn tone after hesitated for a moment.

   "My children, my blood, do you know that the blood is about to usher in destruction and death"

   destruction and death?

   The cold words set off a huge wave in the hall.


   Otis looked at Reed with surprise, the blue pupils were deeply puzzled.

   The blood race is hidden deep in the remote mountains and mountains, and its strength is not weak. With the protection of the powerful blood ancestor Reed, who can destroy the current blood race?

   Only the army of Grimm would dare to say this near here, he thought, is it because the army of Grimm has found traces of blood?

   Otis thought that his fingers trembled slightly. He did not directly participate in the war between the blood race and Grimm a hundred years ago, but he witnessed the tragedy of the final battle.

   "Patriarch, please tell us why"

   Although the blood races in the hall were a little shocked and unbelievable, no one dared to question them.

  Because this is their master, what the ancestors of the blood race said, if they changed someone, they would have torn him apart.

   Reed The handsome face is full of coldness.

   "Lucy, please tell me how many human beings have been taken away from the distant mountains by our blood in the past ten years"

   Lucy, a 9th-level mage, female blood, is the youngest of the seven second-generation blood ancestors...just over 100 years old.

   Lucy stood up from the seven, dragged her long purple dress on the ground, full of classical charm.

   There is a contrast between the beautiful blonde hair and the purple dress. The appearance in his early thirties is full of aristocratic charm and extremely high value.

   Although a little puzzled in the beautiful green eyes, he answered the question of Reed seriously.

  "Father, after the blood race stopped developing blood races under your order twenty years ago, the number of humans we looted each year has been fixed.

  In the past ten years, the saints need close to three thousand humans as food every year."

   Three thousand per year, 30,000 in ten years.

   Reed heard this data from the blood below and said that his face was somewhat unnatural.

  After contacting the people inside, he couldn't use these living people as NPCs in the game.

   Everyone has flesh and blood, and has his own soul.

   More than 30,000 people have become food in their mouths, even if it has nothing to do with him, but their hearts are still affected.

   And one more thing is that this group of kinsmen don't seem to know the continued development.

   After plundering human beings, it is only used as food, without realizing that human beings can create value, and there is no concept of continuous development.

   is like going outside to catch hundreds of chickens, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but didn't know it was raising chickens and laying eggs, so they killed them all. This was a huge waste of resources.

   The blood family must change.

   "Yes, because of this, the nobles of Grimm and the wizards of the Wizarding Association have already noticed our tracks.

   Even I have received news that Grimm is about to launch an army to encircle us, just like the war a hundred years ago. "


   There was a lot of noise.

   No one doubted that the words in Reed were false, and the blood clan who was still calm immediately became noisy.

   Everyone knows that once the army of Grimm really marches into the distant mountains, they will never be able to stop it.

   Although most of the blood races here had never experienced the war a hundred years ago, after word of mouth, no one wanted to experience the feeling of being surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

   After finishing Reed, his eyes were full of coldness, and his expression was indescribable.

   Regardless of the already flustered blood family below, he continued.

   "The army of Grimm exceeds 50,000, including 20 senior mages and 3 arch mages."

   "If they lock our track, the castle will not be able to block their attack"

   Even the seven second-generation descent couldn't help hearing this.

   Otis was the most anxious and asked hurriedly.

   "Patriarch, what should we do now?"

   Reed did not answer directly, and still spoke in an unhurried but extremely oppressive tone.

   "The situation is much more than that, even the extraordinary mage Locke Hart who personally participated in the war against the blood in Grimm has already noticed our existence"

   "To survive or to destroy"

   "Death or Rebirth"

   "We are about to face choices"