Chapter 10: Mysterious Crystal Skeleton

Each blood race can develop one blood each year.

   If you ignore the previous route, Reed is confident that the number of blood races will grow to thousands within three years.

   Expanded the power of the current blood clan more than three times.

   But if there are thousands of blood races, the number of humans that need to be hunted every month has reached the current number of half a year.

   This exaggerated disappearance will definitely arouse the attention of Grimm,

   When the time comes, the extraordinary wizards in Grimm will be investigated carefully, and Reed has no confidence to hide it.

   I'm afraid that the player will be leveled before they reach the castle.

   The kinsmen were often found by the Grimm army before, and every time they lost a lot.

   This is also an important reason for the ancestors of the blood family to conceal their identity and go to Grimm. In the past three years, if he had not acted as an internal response, the blood family would not live so peacefully now.

   After the crowd dissipated, looking at the seven second-generation descent below, Reed didn't say much, waved and said lightly.

   "Follow me to the blood pool"

   The seven looked at each other, no one dared to have the slightest objection, and followed Reed with graceful steps.

   The blood pool is the back hand of the blood clan. There is a large amount of blood stored in it. It must not be used easily when the extermination is in danger.

   But when Reed spoke, these people naturally didn't dare to say more, let alone the information given by Reed was too scary.

   They were targeted by the extraordinary wizards of Grimm.

   Faced with such a powerful enemy, the blood clan will never go out to plunder humans as easily as before, so now is undoubtedly a good time to use the blood pool.

   Reed recalls the memories in my mind and is full of curiosity about the blood pool.

  The ancestor of the blood race was directly transformed into the blood race by chance, not the form of first embrace.

   The divine object that transformed the human body into the ancestor of the blood race is also respected as the holy spirit by the blood race.

   A skeleton skeleton.

   How exactly was transformed? Because the memory was too far away, it was very vague when Reed was received, so it was not very clear.

   But after the Holy Spirit transformed Reed into the ancestor of the blood family, it still has a powerful effect-it can keep the blood fresh and vigorous, and it can also absorb the magic power that is free in the air and infuse it into the blood.

   Once the human blood leaves the human body for more than half of the sun, the effect on the blood will be reduced, and when it exceeds one sun, the effect on the blood will be zero.

   So this is why the kinsmen will plunder humans and return to captivity.

   But the existence of the Holy Spirit has solved the problem that is fatal to the blood race—you must have fresh blood to survive.

   This key attribute has brought the blood race's thirst for fresh blood to a freezing point.

   This is also an important support for Reed to implement the farming plan with confidence.

   What's even more exaggerated is that the Holy Spirit will constantly absorb magic power to irrigate the blood in the blood pool. The longer the blood is stored, the richer the magic power it contains, and the greater the benefits to the blood race.

   This is equivalent to cutting off the chain tied to the blood clan's neck, which greatly improves the feasibility of the plan for humans to support the blood clan.

   took the seven people and walked slowly along the castle.

   The dark night does not cause trouble to the blood clan. On the contrary, due to the bloodline talent, the blood clan's ability in the dark night has been greatly strengthened in all aspects.

   Dark vision is the most common talent of the blood race.

   The once glorious castle has a huge area, and the buildings inside are very similar to medieval European architecture.

  The white minaret is towering, the pointed semi-circular arches are erected, and the stained glass with the ancient stories of the blood heroes is painted.

   The architectural lines in the castle are simple and lively, and the shapes are thick and solid.

   The intersection of the cross and the bell tower on the horizontal hall reveal a strong exotic atmosphere.

   The white stone walls on both sides of the road are embossed with half-hollowed figures, and the huge castle is like an exquisite artwork.

  Even the entrance of the sewer is carved with a relief of a dragon.

   Reed is an eye-opener, and Grimm is completely like a country bun compared to a castle.

   The blood race deserves to be regarded as a nobleman. This kind of artistic attainment and accomplishment can only be compared to a race that is full of looks and art like elves.

   The blood pool is on the far right of the castle, hidden deep in the hard rock.

   is the once glorious castle after all. It took half a day for Reed to reach the edge of the castle.

   A cave under close guard.

  The cyan granite is hard in texture, and the huge cave is five meters high, with dense bats hanging upside down above the cave.

   After entering the cave, the bats were alarmed, and tens of thousands of bats flew out from the top of the cave suddenly, a piece of black crushing enough to make the dragon stop.

   Several blood races appeared in front of the group of Reed under the cover of bats.

   One hand stroking his chest and bending over to perform a noble etiquette, the mainland lingua franca was solemn and deep.

   "Patriarch Yean"

   Reed nodded, the four blood races in front of them are soldiers guarding the blood pool, and they must guard here no matter what the situation is.

   And the bat group just now is a monster tamed by the blood race, the average level is 3, although the individual strength is not very good, but the number of tens of thousands is enough to make the 15th-level archmage headache.

   "Come in with me"

   Several people nodded respectfully, UU reading www.uukānshu. One of Com led the way, and the others followed seven second-generation blood.

   The cave is not an ordinary cave. The traces of alchemy materials on the rocks can be seen within a short walk, and the hidden magic circle and alchemy traps faintly reveal magical fluctuations.

   The defense layout in the cave is even several times stronger than the Scarlet Mage Tower in Reed.

   Not to mention ordinary thieves, even the great mage will pay the price for his recklessness.

   This cave is the place where the blood ancestors accepted the inheritance, so the blood ancestors did not transfer the Holy Spirit to other places for preservation.

  After hundreds of years of expansion and excavation of the cave, the densely packed passages are more complicated than the maze.

   After half an hour, I don't know how many turns and how many secret roads have been bypassed, Reed finally came to the blood pool.

   A huge underground space.

   The surrounding rocks are blood red, as if they have been smeared with blood.

   An irregular deep pond in the center is about ten blades long and five blades wide.

  The depth is unknown.

   The most surprising thing about Reed is that the blood pool is not the scarlet as imagined, but the very beautiful milky white.

   is like fresh milk from the farm outside of Grimm, still exuding a touch of heat.

   And his most valued Holy Spirit floats on the milky pool of blood.

   A skeleton that is transparent like a crystal.

   A strange and very harmonious picture.

   Reed curiously called up the attribute panel, and focused his attention on the crystal skeleton.

   But the first line of words that appeared made Reed take a breath, and the heart beat fiercely.

   There is only one sentence echoing in his mind.

   Really developed this time.