Chapter 17: Otis' doubts

Otis is very confused these past few days.

   Since the patriarch came back last night, the doubt has not disappeared.

   He keenly felt that the patriarch's temperament had undergone a great change, which was not the case when he came back last time.

   At that time, all the behaviors of the patriarch were in line with the actions of the blood race. He was indifferent and liked the darkness. He would never gather the tribesmen in the hall in the morning and treat humans as food.

   Even he thought that after the patriarch came back, he would lead the tribe to ride the magic word bat to the distant mountains to plunder humans and return to captivity...just for food.

   But I didn't expect everything to change.

   The patriarch, who used to be rigid and unwilling to adapt, has become different. He even publicly declared that he would not harm humans in the future, and that humans would become part of the blood clan.

   Is this the patriarch he knows well?

   Even if it is inherited from the Holy Spirit, can it really be changed so thoroughly?

  The goddess of darkness is here, he swears that although he is very confused about all this, he didn't mention it to anyone, because the soul breath is still from the patriarch.

   Although the patriarch's actions were different from usual, he saw different hopes.

  The **** of death once whispered in the ears of all creatures, if it doesn't change now, death will come.

   Although Otis does not believe in gods, he agrees with the oracle of the powerful **** of death.

   After tasting the defeated ale in the war a hundred years ago, the blood race was shrouded in weakness and cowardice.

   From the time thousands of people to the present, it is only in the early 200s, and I have to worry about the hunting of Grimm.

   This is what Otis, who has experienced the glory of the blood family, cannot bear. I thought that such a life would continue for a long time.

   But fortunately, the patriarch finally began to change.

   Even if this change is a bit unreasonable, Otis is still happy.

   And the knowledge that the patriarch inherited from the Holy Spirit also shocked him deeply.

   The origin of the blood race lost in the long river of time made him feel glorified. The blood race that ruled the entire world is indeed the love of the goddess of the night... although the goddess of the night did not exist at the time.

   The future mentioned by the patriarch—ruling a city with millions of people like Grimm made him even more excited.

   The battle with Grimm a hundred years ago made him realize the power of human beings. The powerful army that can destroy several blood races is a nightmare he still fears.

   There is also the extraordinary mage suspended under the sky-Lock Hart. A five-ring magic has brought thousands of blood races back to the embrace of the goddess of the night.

   That is not a power that a mortal can master, and he is sincerely afraid.

   The blood race needs a brave hero to change everything in this weak situation.

   Fortunately, under the crown of the ancestor, the leader of the blood race stood up again.

   Even he feels that the changed patriarch now allows him to see the distance even more under the crown of the great ancestor.

   So although the new order has just been issued, the blood family around him still has doubts, but he has decided to follow in the footsteps of the ancestor's crown and contribute to the growth of the blood family.

   Otis whispered in his heart.

   "Vita, hurry up, move all your things to the central area today, where are enough houses and big enough"

   "Clean up the corpse hidden in the house, and never allow a dead bone to appear"

   "Hahn, clean up the street once, I don't want to see a street covered with dust and mud"

   In order to complete the task assigned to him by Reed as soon as possible, Otis organized half of the blood to participate.

  The blood races are all born spellcasters, and the goddess of the night gave them excellent magic talents.

   In the castle, 150 of the 208 blood races have their main professions as mages, and half of the remaining 58 people have their secondary professions as mages.

   There are only more than 20 blood races whose profession has nothing to do with mages.

  Spellcasters that are extremely difficult to find in the human world outside are as common as wheat and weeds here.

  Mage possesses mysterious powers, which can be used not only for combat, but also for work and even better.

   A dusty street can be cleaned up with a single cleaning technique, damaged houses can be repaired with automatic restoration techniques, and clogged sewers can be cleaned up by a magi.

   Hundreds of intermediate mages, all over level 5, were used to clean up the streets, even the Grimm Wizard Association could not do such a luxury.

  "Your Excellency, do you know the true thoughts of the ancestors? Does our castle really want to live with humans in the future?

  The goddess of the night is here, you know what kind of life I'm talking about"

   A handsome young kin approached by Otis, holding a magic wand a little discouraged.

   The blood clan has its own title division, including male, marquis, uncle, son, male plus jazz. There are six levels in total, with the highest duke and the lowest jazz.

  Normal blood races are usually divided into titles according to their strength. Duke is extraordinary, marquis is at the level of archmage, earl is a senior professional, viscount is an intermediate professional, and baron is a formal professional.

   However, it is a pity that most of the blood races that once held knighthoods fell in the battle of Grimm a hundred years ago.

   There are only seven second-generation descents in the blood clan who have titles, who were once personally canonized by Reed.

   Otis is one of them, so the blood family below has always respected him as the Lord Viscount.

  Otis turned his head and looked at the blood family around him. Although the young blood family in front of him was wearing neat black magic robes, there was a decadent breath on his body, and there was no energy.

   raised his brows, UU reading's green eyes flashed a little bit of displeasure.

   Maybe the first ancestor mian made a laborious statement in order to let these brainless idiots know what to do. He thought, if the ancestor did not say it, it is likely that these guys would really be bad.

   "Hahn, the wisdom under the crown of the ancestor is beyond your imagination. I warn you, do not use uncooperative cowardly behavior to hinder the crown of the ancestor. It will only bring you a crisis."

  , he said in a loud voice, turning his head to look at several blood races around him who were paying attention to him.

   "The blood race will always be the blood race under the crown of the ancestor. If anyone dares to passively complete the order under the crown of the ancestor, I will personally send you to the castle prison. You will not want to know what it is like."

   Hearing these words, the blood races around were suddenly excited.

   Old Castle Prison, it was a prison used solely for imprisoning wrong-doing kinsmen. There were extremely harsh penalties in it. No kinsmen were willing to go to the **** place.

   "No, no, Your Excellency Viscount, you misunderstood me, I just..." the young blood family explained with a flustered face.

   Otis waved his hand, and responded indifferently.

   "No, Hahn, you don't need to apologize, I just need you to earnestly complete the task I gave you.

  If you really make a mistake, there will be law enforcement officers to deal with you"

   Hahn's pale face became even more ugly, so he didn't dare to say more, lowered his head and continued to cast spells to clear the street.

  The goddess of darkness is here, and the majesty of the Viscount is getting worse.

   There is also a plan under the crown of the ancestor. Is it really possible to succeed? Can we really control a city like Grimm?

   There will always be doubts on the road of change.

   But after realizing the benefits of reform, these doubters will become loyal followers.