Chapter 45: Wandering in entanglement and hesitation

  Reed looked at the crowd below who had already been aroused by him, and there was no cold and vigilant crowd in his eyes, and he smiled in his heart.

   Silently increased the magic power of the magic model of Charm spell input, keeping it within a limit.

   The extraordinary magic affinity allows him to accurately control every point of magic.

   Even the blood races with good magic immunity can't resist the derivative use of charm art, and this group of untalented humans can't help it.

  Almost every promise in Reed is the most desirable thing for ordinary humans living in the glorious world. The combination of various reasons, the effect obtained far exceeds his estimation.

   At this time, the sky is completely bright.

   Just after his voice fell, the sun shone a ray of light from a distance, and the sun fell on Reed under everyone's attention.

When the crowd below    saw this scene, they fell silent.

   The sun is the natural enemy of vampires. This is common sense that everyone knows.

   At this moment, many civilians even showed flustered eyes. If this vampire city lord was severely injured by the sun, would he withdraw his promise?

   But it appeared in an unexpected scene.

   Reed opened his hands slightly, and when the sun shone on him, instead of falling into weakness as in the legend, his body was even ulcerated and decaying, instead he showed an expression of enjoyment.

   "This is a warm day"

   "I like the sun like you do"


   The noise caused by the two sentences of Reed is more sensational than before.

   Vampires are not afraid of the sun? !

   This scene of subverting common sense makes everyone feel confused.

   Then many people reacted, and most of the original fear in the eyes of Reed disappeared.

  The Holy Light blood race is really different from other blood races, they are not afraid of sunshine! !

  Fear comes from the unknown. According to word of mouth, the horror and evil of the blood race has been rooted in every human's mind.

   But after being in contact with the Holy Light Blood Clan, everyone found that their ideas were different from the facts, which brought their hostility and disgust towards the Holy Light Blood Clan down to a level.

   After this goes on, it is foreseeable that it is not impossible for humans to live in harmony with the blood.

   The blood of the ancestor of the blood family gave Reed immunity to the sun. After a small wave of installation, it earned a huge reputation.

   Reed at this time, in the eyes of the crowd, is meaningless and mythical.

   He broke people's stereotypes.

   Vampires can also live under the sun! !

   "A night of flying, everyone is tired"

   "I will let people allocate houses for you, and then I will announce the plan for allocating fields on the square, everyone can see."

   "I am the patriarch of the Holy Light Blood Clan, Kachar, my people, I hope the city of Dawn will be with you in the future."

   After finishing Reed, the very gentleman bowed, turned and stepped down.

   It is a pity that there is no tradition of applause in Glory, everyone just watched him leave quietly with shock.

   The shock in his heart in a short period of time will make these people still have not recovered.

   There are both worries about the holy light blood clan, and hope for tomorrow and the future. All kinds of complicated thoughts make the atmosphere of the crowd subtle.

  During the day is very unfriendly to the blood race. Other blood races do not have the ability to immune sunlight in Reed.

   Many of the blood races in the dark corners have dropped a lot. Fortunately, the blood races in the city of Dawn are all intermediate professionals with a level of more than 5, and their resistance to sunlight has been greatly improved.

   If it's a blood race that has just been transformed, there is no way to move during the day.

   The kinsmen who had been prepared a long time ago, under the supervision of Reed, brought the crowd to the Southern District on a family basis.

   At this time, the crowd had not rested for a day and night, and most of them were very tired.

   Except for the blood tribes who have returned to the border, all blood tribes in the city of Dawn participated in the allocation of houses to humans.

   The unknown is the source of fear. After everyone is familiar with the blood clan, the imaginary fear will naturally disappear. Although the fear is still there, it is obviously less than when it first came.

   Fortunately, Reed has already specified the corresponding rules, and it only took less than two days to solve the housing problem.

   At ten o'clock in the morning, everyone was allocated a house.

   The city of Dawn fell into silence.

  Only in certain buildings with specific shades, there are kinsmen standing guard.

   Ollie and Reker are divided into a room...because neither of them has family.

   This is a small two-story building. There are two rooms on the second floor. Two people live in one room.

   There are eight people in a small two-story building like this. If it is a family of three, it can be divided into two rooms.

   Reker opened the door and entered the house. He was slightly surprised to see the clean and tidy room with complete furniture. He used to have a bed here.

   "Brother Reker, is this really assigned to us?"

   Ollie is still in a dreamy feeling until now, originally thinking that after vampires appear, they will be killed after being sucked up...just like the legend.

   But I didn't expect that the other party would say that he was a holy light blood clan, and forcibly led them into an unknown castle.

   He actually didn't trust these good-looking vampires, and even after he came to Dawn City, he thought it was just a vampire's conspiracy. How could these evil demons not harm humans?

   But the next scene was beyond his expectation.

   There is no horrible sight of corpses everywhere, but a clean and peaceful city.

   When registering information, no property was robbed, and these kinsmen were very polite and polite... Treating them as if they were a knowledgeable person, it was a great experience.

   was told that he could allocate ten acres of land, and in the future they could also learn knowledge and magic here.

   This is incredible.

   The speech of the vampire town lord also touched him, and he couldn't believe it after he was actually allocated a house.

   "Oli, I won't say much, maybe this is still a vampire's conspiracy, maybe this world is really different from the evil vampires of the Holy Light blood.

   But in any case, we don't have much room for resistance. God said that time will reveal the true colors of demons and make sages angels.

   What we have to do now is not to resist, but to try to blend in. If these vampires are really evil, then we have to inform everyone.

   If they are really the Holy Light blood race, it is not harmful to us, and this city of dawn, as the Lord Kachar said, is far away from war and danger, which may not be a bad thing for the residents of the small town.

   The town of Eric is too close to the border. Since its establishment, how many times has the town of Eric been invaded by orcs? How many of our friends died in the hands of the orcs?

  Be able to avoid the orcs and have a lot of land of their own. This is what we want most when living on the border. "

   Reker has a deep voice, turning his head to look through the glass window to the blood family hiding in the shade on the street.

   Had it not been for the orc invasion that year that killed his parents, he would not have left the small town of Eric to be a mercenary outside.

   If he can really own a piece of land that belongs to him, and he can avoid the threat of war, he is willing to give everything he has.

   Ollie nodded blankly. What happened today has caused a huge impact on his ideas.

   In fact, most people are similar to Ollie. The fear of vampires made them panic, but the words of the Holy Light blood clan gave them hope.

   The mood lingered in entanglement and hesitation.

   bang bang bang~

   The knock on the door interrupted their thoughts.

   Reker stood up and drew out the long sword abruptly. This long sword that he regarded as life was not taken away by the blood.


   "Rekel is it? I am the patriarch of the Holy Light Blood Clan, Kachar"