Chapter 47: City Hall's vision

"Harrison, Augustine, do you know why I chose the two of you to deal with humans?"

   After walking out of Reker's room, Reed found a shady corner and looked solemnly at Harrison and Augustine who had been following him.

Harrison, who is a bit feminine, is the best genius in the blood family to study magic. Although he does not learn offensive magic, he will have 20 auxiliary second-level spells. If you add a first-level spell, Harrison will There are more than 40 spells.

   All the spells in Reed add up to less than 30.

   In the world of glory, the wizard is not one of the most difficult of all occupations, and the difficulty of learning magic is more than anything.

   Intermediate mages with a level of more than 5, most people will not learn more than 10 spells.

   As for the senior mages with a level of more than 10, many people can't master the three-ring spell even more than ten years after being promoted.

  1st-level mage apprentice and 2~4th level official mage can learn a round of spells,

   Intermediate wizards of level 5~9 can learn second-level spells,

   Senior mages of level 10~14 can learn three-ring spells,

   15~19 level mages can learn the four-ring spell.

   But the level is only the threshold for qualifications, and it is not easy to master it.

   Spells start from the second ring, and the difficulty of learning increases straight after reaching the third ring.

   Many high-level wizards often have the title of a high-level wizard but they can't master the three-ring spells for a long time.

   Reed can build his own mage tower in Grimm, except for the help of the archmage teacher he has never met, the most important reason is that he has learned three three-ring spells.

   Teleport, walk in the void, burst the fireball.

   The easiest three-ring spell-Burst Fireball has 600 magic nodes, teleports 750 magic nodes, and Void Walk reaches an exaggerated 900 magic nodes.

   How complicated is the magic model composed of hundreds of magic nodes?

   Reed tried to release a bursting fireball, and the cast time was up to three minutes.

   In contrast, the time required to cast a spell is just a snap.

   It takes three minutes for the magic power to run from the first magic node to the last magic node. One can imagine how difficult the advanced spells are.

   And Harrison can master all the auxiliary spells accumulated in the blood family for two hundred years, Reed even thinks that his talent is only a little worse than him.

If Harrison is interested in offensive magic, his strength may not be inferior to Frey...This is the only one among the remaining seven second-generation descent who participated in the war with Grimm a hundred years ago Powerful spellcaster.

   The clever genius is the impression of him in Reed.

   There will be more and more human beings in the future. How to manage them while preventing human beings from rebelliousness requires a certain amount of wisdom and skill.

   Although the other second-generation descent are not stupid, Reed still thinks Harrison is more suitable for dealing with humans.

  Because he is one of the few different kinds of blood that doesn't like killing and fighting.

  Magic is all he has.

   As for Augustine, although he doesn't have Harrison's talent, as an archer, he not only needs sharp eyes, but also patience and carefulness that ordinary people don't have.

   Other second-generation blood looted the population outside, and they are responsible for setting up the rear. This is an arrangement made by Reed.

   It is impossible for him to stay in the City of Dawn for a long time. He still needs to buy enough materials for the City of Dawn in Grimm, and the Scarlet Mage Tower cannot do without him.

   "Patriarch, we don't need to know why, the goddess of darkness is above, and your will is above all else."

   Harrison bends down and bows very gentlemanly, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

   "No, you need to know." Reed waved his hand and pointed to the sunlit street outside.

  "There are not many blood races, but there will be more and more humans in the city of Dawn in the future.

   We have to learn to use the power of human beings. Although their individuals are weak, the power of a group cannot be matched by even a powerful kin. "

   "So you have to learn how to communicate with humans and learn to use their wisdom and power"

   "Win a group, unite a group, suppress a group"

   "The obedient wooed, rewards, and the disobedient blows, differentiated treatment"

   "Management is a very scientific, ahem, it is an art that makes the goddess of the night admire, and now I will tell you in detail..."

   Reed instilled in Harrison and Augustine the detailed set of how his previous startup company manages employees.

   Both of them are smart people in the kinship, especially Harrison. This second-generation descent who has mastered more than 40 spells at level 9 is a bit surprised by his comprehension ability.

   Less than one Sunday, Reed felt that Harrison was fully qualified for the job of managing humans.

   It's also because the number of kinsmen is too small and the departments are not perfect.

   Among the blood races, each second-generation blood race has its own direct blood family, belonging to the third-generation blood race. There are now 208 blood races in the City of Dawn.

   The three generations of Frey guarding the blood pool are the least, only 10, and they all guard the Holy Land with him. These 10 blood races cannot move.

   Then 35 blood descent of Ivey formed the blood law enforcement team, responsible for supervising and managing the blood clan who violated the rules of the castle.

   Dylan has 40 direct blood, but he is responsible for raising more than 400 magic word bats, the most responsible.

  Otis has always been responsible for guarding the city wall, and his 40 blood descent also shoulder this responsibility.

   Harrison has only 5 three-generation blood, and he usually manages the blood library.

   Lucy has 50 blood at most, and Augustine has 23. The two have no specific responsibilities. When the number of humans in the blood clan is not enough, they will be responsible for going out to plunder humans.

   This is the composition of the entire blood family.

   For a group of only 200, such a simple distribution of responsibilities is enough.

   But Reed is very clear that the current blood composition is only suitable for the previous situation. With more and more human beings, such an organizational structure is completely impossible to adapt.

   Once the number reaches three to five thousand, the current model of UU Reading is simply a disaster.

   He needs to reorganize the blood clan and form a new authority department.

   And the person in charge will be the two in front of you.

   The number of blood races is too small, and there are few people who can use it.

   There are only 200 people in the entire ethnic group, and only these second-generation descent are familiar with Reed. If you want to use it, you can only use these few people first.

   The lack of talent is the biggest dilemma at present.

   But he firmly believes that the difficulties are only temporary. After human beings are really integrated into the City of Dawn, more talents will be available immediately.

   Unlike blood races, humans' desire for rights is much stronger.

   "I will build a city hall and regroup the current blood races.

   City Hall is mainly responsible for the external and internal two major areas,

   Externally, plundering the population and the trade of Grimm are the most important things at present, and I am personally responsible. This department is called the Foreign Affairs Department.

   Internally, it manages human beings and builds cities. This department is called the Ministry of People's Livelihood. From now on, you two will serve as the first chairmen.

  The city defense and the holy land guard will be unified into the first blood army. They are mainly responsible for guarding the city of dawn and the holy land, not to the outside. In the future, the army will be independent and dedicated to combat missions."

   Reed pondered for a moment and explained the plan completely.

   Although the distribution of the rights frame was old and rough, there is no way. The current blood family cannot have a too fine structure.

   There were only 200 people in total, one-third of the population went out to plunder, and one-third of the people who guarded the Holy Land and the city walls. The number of people who can be deployed is pitiful.

   But there are also small things, so it is easy to manage.

   And once a problem is discovered, it can be corrected at any time. If the scale is too large, even if a problem occurs, it will take time to alleviate.