What A Pity

"What?" Jiang Li instantly understood. It turned out that it really was not a swindler just now, but an official of the Hundred Flowers Awards!

Jiang Li instantly widened her eyes and felt her heart beating wildly.

The movie she invested in was really shortlisted for an award?

Even the shortlisted had a trophy. Besides, this was the first time in his life that he had been nominated for an award. Even if she was not chosen in the end, she would still be happy.

After the phone call with Director Zhuo, Jiang Li immediately went home and locked herself in her room.

She was preparing to finish the design of her gown, and the news of Jiang Li's nomination soon reached the ears of those who cared.

After Chu Chu found out about Jiang Li's matter, she received a call from Fu Zhongtian not long after. "Chu Chu, you did well last time. I've already made a small profit from the stocks you mentioned. In the future, you must pay more attention, understand?"