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This was the result Jiang Man wanted. She wanted Jiang Li to become the evil sister in everyone's eyes.

Jiang Li did not mind. She came here to film, not to argue with Jiang Man. As long as Jiang Man did not go overboard, she wouldn't mind.

At the same time, Jiang Man suddenly received a call from Fu Yunze.

"Where are you? I've been waiting at the entrance of your school for a long time."

Jiang Man's heart jumped when she heard that.

She kept thinking that she could not let Jiang Li be the only one in the limelight and had completely forgotten to tell Fu Yunze about this.

The thoughts in her mind flew quickly and she finally found a reason. "Yunze, I asked Director Wang to arrange a role for me in the production team."

"I didn't tell you on purpose. I just wanted to save my reputation. This way, your investment in the future will be smoother, right?"

Fu Yunze was touched when he heard that.