
Some of the doctors in the private hospital had been replaced by Jiang Li with members of Eagle. They saw Old Master Fu and Fu Jiuxiao in the ward, so they took Jiang Li to the office. When they saw Jiang Li, the group of people came up to her excitedly.

"Boss, you finally showed up."

"Yes, boss, but is there something particularly important this time? You have never asked so many of us to come out."

Jiang Li nodded. "Due to the problem of the compatibility of all drugs, Jiuxiao's body has been damaged, so I'll leave him to everyone. I hope we can help him recover as soon as possible."

The Team Eagle immediately understood what she meant, and they began to divide the work in detail. Some people were in charge of checking, while others were in charge of producing the medicine formula.

Jiang Li sat next to Fu Jiuxiao and looked at the real-time monitor. Fu Jiuxiao's various indicators were rising, and Jiang Li was finally completely relieved.