Seizing Power

Jiang Li was speechless. Blake was definitely the weirdest person she had ever met. Who would confess without even introducing themselves?

However, for the sake of the herbs, Jiang Li could only endure and reply to Blake with a smiley face emoji.

However, Blake seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of the emoji and sent another long paragraph.

It was nothing more than his previous words, like how he admired Qing Xin's design, and how he adored Qing Xin.

Jiang Li glanced at it and ignored it.

There were a few more messages coming from the phone, and Jiang Li was a little impatient.

She planned to mute the notifications to Blake's messages.

Only then did she realize that the message was from the butler. Jiang Li glanced at it. The butler said that Fu Zhongtian was asking for power from Old Master Fu, and Old Master Fu agreed!
