
Jiang Li was still feeling a little uncomfortable, so she was too lazy to move. She leaned on Fu Jiuxiao and watched the television. Fu Jiuxiao would give Jiang Li a piece of fruit from time to time, and Jiang Li would open her mouth to eat it. Her mouth moved, but she did not want to move her body.

This made Fu Jiuxiao feel a little guilty. He held Jiang Li and massaged her waist with one hand.

"Are you very uncomfortable?"

Jiang Li yawned comfortably. It was actually not that bad, but she was lazy. With Fu Jiuxiao by her side, she liked to stay by Fu Jiuxiao's side.

However, since Fu Jiuxiao had asked this, Jiang Li naturally nodded seriously, and there was some grievance in her tone.

"You don't even know the severity..."

Fu Jiuxiao was stunned, and he touched his chin awkwardly.

"I won't do it again."

"Who wants to do it again with you?"