Different Thoughts

Jiang Li looked coldly at the mixed-race woman in front of her. The mixed-race woman seemed to be completely oblivious to Jiang Li's gaze as she stuck to Blake's side.

Yes, this woman was the woman that Samuel gave to Blake. Her name was Lisa, a mixed-race seductive woman.

That pair of eyes looked somewhat similar to Yue Qing's.

When Jiang Li saw that Lisa was about to put her whole body on Blake, a fire rose in her heart for no reason.

"Hmph, Mr. Blake is so lucky to have such a beautiful woman by his side."

Fu Jiuxiao looked at Jiang Li's sour face and his face could not help but turn gloomy as well.

"Mr. Blake, this is my dinner with my wife. Outsiders are not welcome here."

Jiang Li nodded in agreement. However, she had no idea that Fu Jiuxiao was jealous of Blake because Jiang Li looked like she was jealous of a mixed-race woman.