
Fu Jiuxiao did not say anything. Jiang Li was a little nervous and did not know if she would affect Fu Jiuxiao in any way.

Samuel saw that Fu Jiuxiao did not respond and left with a cold snort.

Jiang Li watched Samuel disappear from her sight before she came back to her senses and looked at Fu Jiuxiao.

"What did Samuel mean just now?"

What did he mean by Fu Jiuxiao could not save himself?

Fu Jiuxiao pinched the space between his eyebrows. He had a headache too. Samuel was far more difficult to deal with than he had imagined.

He had actually dug up the matter that he had been hiding for so long. Fortunately, Samuel did not have any direct evidence yet, so he had to get rid of Samuel before Satan did.

"It's nothing, just some threatening words."

Jiang Li was skeptical.



"Don't lie to me."

"No way..."