
In a restaurant in Sea City, Fan Xuan was anxiously waiting.

He had arrived early, but God J and Ban Yue had not shown up yet.

They would not be late, would they?

Fan Xuan knew that Ban Yue always kept her word, but he was not sure. He could only raise his head and look out of the restaurant window.

It was getting dark.

When Fan Xuan waited for Ban Yue, the girl who followed by her side was Jiang Li.

The two girls carried a few bags in their hands and walked to the opposite side of him. They greeted him and sat down.

Fan Xuan was very embarrassed. He raised his hand and put it down in the end.

What should he do now?

If God J came over and found that his seat was occupied by a rich young lady, would he be angry?

"Mr.Fan? What's wrong?" Jiang Li noticed Fan Xuan's expression and kept changing. She tried hard to hold back her laughter and asked politely.