Looking for New Collaborators

People who had been injected with special drugs all showed certain adverse reactions, but one thing in common was that they had lost their minds.

Yan Zheng did not stay in the hospital any longer. Instead, he walked out while contacting the team to ask the police officers to pay attention to their personal safety.

Fu Jiuxiao and Jiang Li looked at each other, but they did not see any relief in each other's eyes.

This mission was only half successful.

The other half was that they did not find the real mastermind, and even the manager in charge of the pharmaceutical company was killed by the explosion.

The explosion created a huge commotion, and the police did not block the relevant information. Instead, they held a press conference.

As the real boss of the pharmaceutical company, Fu Yusheng actually got the news from the online media.

What did this mean?