Missing Out On Important Information

Qiu Huang's new product for the first quarter would be on display in the Fu Corporation's department store. Several new designers would also be invited.

When this news spread, it immediately attracted the media's interest.

This was because several very famous designers were invited.

For example, Lydia.

On the day of the event, the media and fans all crowded into the mall, wanting to see more of their idols.

As the invited guest, Blake brought his partner, Yue Qing, to attend.

He thought that Jiang Li would refuse.

Jiang Li generously agreed, but she only hoped that Blake would not appear too intimate with Yue Qing in front of the media.

Blake did not care, but Yue Qing and their family did.

"Hmph, Miss Jiang just doesn't trust me. Am I an unreliable man?" Blake complained to Yue Qing about Jiang Li.

Yue Qing said lightly, "I don't know much about what you do outside, but you're still very reliable at home."