The End (1)


The sounds echoed throughout the garage. The garage was empty save for a few scattered cars here and there. In a particular part of the garge was a BMW with an open car door.

Clang. Screech.

The sounds persisted throughout the space. A few feet away from the car, two men were having a go at each other. One was skinny and lean while the other was slightly heavier .

They were no other than the Top 2 world famous assassins in the entire world.

Hadrian Black and Kellen Crystal.

Crowned Kings of the Assassins. The Indomitable Ones. They go by many names and were also famous as Top CEOs in every field possible. Particularly Hadrian.

He was 6 '1 with black hair complete,with bangs, silver eyes, fair skins and a lean but fit figure. He was skilled in the use of weapons and martial arts of all kinds. Kellen, on the other hand was 6'0 with blond hair and blue eyes and was second to Hadrian in all aspects.

They had been talking comfortably when Kellen suddenly attacked Hadrian. That was 10 minutes ago.

Both have worked up quite a sweat but still kept going.

"What the hell, Kellen ? What is going on ? Why are you trying to assassinate me ?". "No offense, I can't reveal my client's identity and you know that. You are too dangerous and have been considered as a threat." Hadrian was in shock at this information.

He couldn't believe that in all his years of service and devotion to the Organization, this was how he was repaid for his loyalty.

His death at the hands of his brother-in-arms. He knew logically that his skill set was the best and he was not No.1 for decoration. He knew who placed the order for his death.

Master Ford.

His father figure.