BABY!!! (2)

Hadrian P.O.V.

The Lion made it's way to me and I stayed still praying that I don't spook it so that it does not chase after me as a food. The Lion just kept on making it's way towards me and I kept maintaing eye contact but at the same time, I couldn't help but be in awe of its looks.

Sleek white body and fur with purple eyes and a gorgeous mane. It stood in front of me and looked over me. Its eyes swept over but it felt like the lion could see right through me. Nervousness began to creep up on me and I couldn't help but feel scared that it may just decie I am food.

"I asked if that was your wish". I froze. Did I just hear the lion talk to me ? "Yes you did piccolo." came the amused reply.

I snapped my head up to stare at the lion in disbelief only to see it give me back a smug smile that bellied it's amusement at me. 'Child, my name is Leon, the God of this paradise. i heard your wish from your soul. Why do you wish to be reborn again my child ?"

Something about his tone made me feel warm and soft all over. So I ended up spilling my entire life story. I felt a weight lift of my chest the entire time I spoke. I felt a sense of relief wash over me.