Lilian Confronts Jane

Jane is ready to go to college. The boys get ready and as they are ready to leave Dorothy says "Boys, isn't there a way to make Jenna join college so she can be with Jane."

Clive says "Aunt, that's not possible. Not because she's a fairy but because she has no knowledge of the human world and education. Don't worry, we'll take care of her at college. Jenna can take care at home."

Dorothy nods in an OK. 

Soon the boys reach college. Denver's phone rings. He sees it's Ren. Receiving the call Denver says "Hi! Ren. What's up?"

"Just checking in on Jane. Everything is going fine."

Denver says "So far so good. Ronny crossed with his boys but they did not look at Jane. Though as they say silence is the coming of a storm. So, can't really say for how long, but if you feel anything abnormal… "