Not All Are Happy With The Announcement

The Grand Elders see the rainbow and start getting angry. David says "Darn it, if he comes and officially wears the crown no one will listen to us. Our dreams, our plans, a thousand years, all gone in the wind."

Selene says "We won't let that wind blow. We'll get our followers to finish him on the way. He will not enter the cosmic gates."

David says "Yes, if we manage to stop and kill him outside the gates,  it's possible. But remember, the ruler is immune to silver for the first seven minutes of being attached. If he gets the chance to recoup, he'll survive. So when he gets attacked with silver, we have to make sure he doesn't get the time."

Selene says "And Jane… "

David says "Forget about her. Even if she becomes the office queen, she's a human, all she can do is create a coup, dealing with her will be easy."