Fallon And Devian Have A Family Bonding Time

"Fallon…" Cutting Mark's sentence midway, Fallon says "He's hurt, I can sense it. Since I was a kid there were times I used to feel someone close to me is in danger. When I would ask everyone near to me, they all would be fine, but I would not feel fine, now I know, it was dad who was not fine in those times, like now."

"Leonardo, Fallon is big enough to understand the situation." Ellis says reasoning "And, now he can take care of him as well."

Mark says in a hesitating voice "But Ellis, his…."

"Fallon was once burnt," Luke says "There was a fire once in our clan and Sandra was still in the home. Fallon was the one who brought her out safely. Thankfully she didn't get even a scratch but Fallon's…" 

"What?? Luke, are you telling about the fire I got caught in?" Sandra jumps and puts her arm across Ellis's and says "Ellis, I was thirteen, only thirteen and Fallon came to get me. Thankfully we both were fine, not even a scratch…."