I Transmigrated!?

'Holy F- ahem...' The woman cleared her throat to swallow the curse she had almost uttered.

With her eyeballs on the verge of popping out of their sockets, she unblinkingly savored the view before her.

Standing rooted in the same position as before was a woman named Reina Gomez, a simple woman who had simple dreams and desires.

One such dream was to meet the legendary V-tuber named 'Meteor' who was often referred to as 'Meteor Sama' by his faithful fans.

Though he was just an animated face on the screen, people, especially young girls and women gave him immense love and adored him.

One of the biggest reasons for the admiration he amassed over the years was his mesmerizing voice with which he would serenade his fans who were referred to as his little 'Meteorites'.

'And Meteor Sama is standing right before my eyes.' Reina Gomez, a huge Meteorite, was gazing at the man standing on the other side of the room.

She was one breath short of squealing at the top of her lungs for having the good graces of seeing her idol in the flesh.

Her 'online husband' whom she yearned to greet was right here in her presence.

Her mind was blank as she gulped hard, drinking in the view of the beautiful face of the man she knew all too well as Meteor Sama.

"How long do you plan to stand there and gawk like a fool?" The serenading voice which used to soften her bones and weaken her knees now caused her back to straighten in haste.

Deep golden eyes narrowed at her, making her stiffen as their owner stepped forward.

'He's not Meteor Sama.' She realized and froze in place.

"Have I been too lenient towards you, Rein Melk?" The man who was considerably taller than her was now walking towards her.

Hearing the name he had used to address her, Reina recalled something crucial.

'That's right! I am no longer Reina Gomez. Now, I'm Rein Melk...' She gulped as this was not her world and neither was this her body.

She was nothing but an intruder in this world and a squatter in this body.

This body belonged to a certain someone named Rein Melk and she was possessing her body, her memories, and snatching her future.

Reina had no clue why she was here, nor was she aware of where the true Rein Melk had gone.

But what she did know for sure after waking up on this strange day, experiencing all those bizarre and new memories was that she was in a whole different world.

'So… I transmigrated!?' She blinked blankly as her mind began wrapping itself around this truth, trying to accept what had taken place.

Everything she had experienced until now felt like a dream but recalling the unbearable pain she felt deep down in her bones and the vivid memories she experienced, she was sure that this was real.

Sadly, she did not have too much time to ponder on her current pitiable state of being displaced from her world and arriving in this new one.

The man who had been stalking towards her had finally reached her, attracting her complete attention.

Golden eyes which resembled those of a tiger's were leering at her.

The frown which sat on the tall man's face was enough to make her shudder due to the memories that resided in her mind.

After all, if her memories were right, she knew exactly who he was.

'Zander Chadwin Rudwick, the King of this land.' She gulped in fear that she was standing before the most powerful man in all the land.

Reina's blue eyes did not shy away from contact as that would indicate that she was trying to hide from his gaze.

So she stood rooted in place and did not move a muscle.

The man's thick black hair fell across his forehead as he lowered his head and leaned closer to her face.

Holding her breath in, Reina fretted that he had noticed something unusual about her.

'Did he figure out that I am not the real Rein?' She worried that her first day in this world would become her last.

The King's body that exuded his majestic and fierce aura could paralyze anyone and it was not flattery when his citizens called him the 'most powerful' in the land.

Right now, that same aura was suppressing Reina who had met him for the very first time.

Reliving those memories was nothing compared to what she was experiencing right now.

Earlier, if the memories were like watching a video of someone else standing before a vicious tiger, right now, she was the one being stalked by the man who resembled a tiger.

That had been a sneak peek but this was the real deal.

Familiar cold sweats drenched her back but she did not let fear appear on her face.

Leaning further, the man's eyes alternated between her blue orbs.

As if this close distance wasn't enough, his hand raised and gripped her chin tightly with his cold fingers.

Their faces were inches apart and Reina forgot to breathe as she was too close to the man who could put her to death with a flick of his hand.

"Still in pain?" The same magnetic voice from before reached her ears as his warm breath which held traces of mint fanned over her face.

If this was before then the extremely germaphobic Reina would have sucker-punched the man in the throat for having dared to get this close to her.

But right now, she was Rein and the one gripping her chin was the King who was known for his swift yet deadly moves.

Therefore, she held in her discomfort and shook her head in reply to the question she had been asked.

"Then why was Rein crying like a child earlier?" He smirked while increasing the pressure over her chin.

'Did he hear my sobs?' Reina panicked as she tried to recall whether she had spoken anything earlier which might expose her true identity to this man.

Thankfully, she was in a daze with the changes in her life and had not uttered a single word.

In fact, she did not know how she sounded as she has yet to speak out loud.

The man's sleek brows furrowed when he noticed that the person in his grasp was lost in deep thought.

'You dare be dazed in my presence?' He narrowed his eyes as his thumb pressed into the soft flesh in his grasp.

In amusement, he observed the area turning red due to the blood rushing towards it.

Reina felt the sting and winced when his grip tightened once again.

Her crystal blue eyes blurred as a reaction but she refused to make a sound so as to not offend him.

He on the other hand was enjoying the look on this pitiful face as tears pooled in those blue eyes.

He watched as a tear rolled down and fell on his wrist, making him pull his hand away as though he had been scalded.

Reina was finally free from his grip and managed to release the breath that she had been holding in until now.

Gasping to regulate her breathing, she patted her chest before raising her hand to wipe the tears away before he could notice them.

The man had his eyes fixed on the spot where the tear had landed and frowned when an irksome feeling arose in his chest.

Looking up, he regained his composure just as Reina had completed wiping her tears away and was standing upright once again.

"Men shouldn't cry for such simple things." He chided the one who had shed tears when all he had done was apply a little pressure.

"Especially men who follow me." He added with a sneer before turning his back towards her.

Luckily, just as he had looked away, Reina's jaw dropped and her eyes widened at what she had heard.

'Men? What men? I clearly am a woman!' She glared at his back before lowering her head to look at the full breasts which were quite evident even through the clothes she was wearing.

The black uniform she wore was the one that had been hanging on the wardrobe.

Though it was a man's uniform, it still accentuated her breasts through the layers she had on right now.

'Is this King blind?' Reina scoffed because he had ignored such voluptuous curves and had dared to call her a man.

She could not deny that with her hair up, she had an androgynous face but there was no need for him to tag her as a man.

When the King turned around once again, his eyes landed on the person who had their head lowered which made him shake his head in dismay.

'All I did was criticize him a little and look at him sulking like a child.' King Zander scoffed at how weak his men were becoming due to his leniency.

However, he did not wish to further condone such behavior so he narrowed his eyes.

"Go prepare my bath, you have already delayed my schedule." He spat out orders as he began walking away.

Reina raised her head in shock at the implication behind those words.

"Me?" Her voice croaked as she blurted out her query.

King Zander looked over his shoulder when he heard a dry cracking voice that was different from what he was used to hearing each day.

"Did you hit your head too hard in the shower today, Melk?" He sneered while turning around.

Reina felt her back stiffen when those eyes which reminded her much of the predatory tiger's were aimed at her face.

Right now in her mind, she embodied a pitiful rabbit while he, a monstrous tiger, was fixing his eyes on his prey, ready to devour it.

"Have you forgotten your place? You do as you are told, my chamberlain." He uttered as each word held authority, proving that one was above the other in this situation.

Reina's head bowed again but this time towards the King to express her acceptance of his commands.

"As you wish, my Lord." She repeated the words that this body seemed to have uttered numerous times.

The King nodded at this obedient behavior and turned around, walking away and disappearing from the room.

Standing in the same position, Reina felt her knees buckle at the pressure he had just sent her way but forced herself to remain standing.

This incident triggered another memory which aided in understanding her situation better.

The memories swamped in her brain were beginning to make more sense now.

Staring at the door that he had left in, she recalled that it was his personal office.

Just like she knew the place she was standing right now was the King's bed chambers.

After all, it was her duty, her job, that allowed her to possess such information.

'Rein Melk, King Zander's Chamberlain.' She repeated the identity that she had taken over which had now become a part of her life and her future.