I Am Not Your Sister!

On the other side of the Palace, far far away from the King's chambers, three lavish rooms were located next to each other on the same floor.

While the room at the center appeared to be locked, the ones adjacent to it seemed lively as ever.

Constant sounds of things crashing to the ground were heard from one room while the other had maniacal sounds of high heels clicking on the marble flooring.

The servants standing in wait outside these rooms were shuddering as the atmosphere here was tense.

In the first room resided the most prominent candidate among the three ladies who had been brought into the Palace to take up the position of Queen in the future.

While the last room belonged to the one who had been able to connect with King Zander the most.

Inside the first room, a lady with bright magenta hair was seen pacing from one corner to the other, making proper use of the full extent of the room.

The loud sounds of heels clicking against the hard marble flooring were emanating from this room as she strode around without a pause.

Ever since she had been sent back to her room after breakfast, the first thing she had done was cleanse her body from the stench of her deceased maid's blood.

The thorough shower took a long while as she scrubbed her entire body to discard the sensation of the other person's sticky blood that had been covering her.

However, even after that, she was unable to shake away the fear she had felt deep in her bones after what she had experienced today.

The King had not bothered that she had a powerful backing nor was he concerned that the maid whom he had disintegrated was her favorite.

He just snapped his finger and a life had been lost.

Lady Marin shuddered at the thought of what had happened but her feet did not stop pacing all around the room.

In the room on the other end of the corridor, the sounds of crashes had finally come to an end.

This room which was once designed with the most expensive of materials to emulate a princess's room was now exemplifying a dump yard.

The hot pink curtains were torn to shreds, the pillows were ripped apart, and even the vases adorning the room were broken with their shards scattered all around the floor.

The culprit who had caused this mass destruction was right now seated before the dresser with her head lowered.

Even if the entire room appeared like it had been hit by a freak hurricane that came out of nowhere, the woman sitting before the large mirror did not have a single strand of hair out of place.

As her head raised, her beautiful olive eyes gazed at her reflection and there was anger ablaze in them.

"Brother Zander punished me because of that puny servant?" She frowned as those words left her soft lips.

She had returned early after breakfast so she did not know about the conversation that had taken place between Lady Marin and the King.

However, when she had heard the sounds of footsteps coming in the direction of this corridor, she had noticed that there was one pair of feet missing.

Even the scent that wafted into her keen nose belonged to Lady Marin.

Though she did not hear the maid's footsteps, the strong smell of that maid's blood coming from Lady Marin's entire body gave her the only explanation she needed.

The maid had lost her life and her blood was on Lady Marin.

While she felt pity for the maid who was gone, there was nothing that she could have done so she decided to not think about it and ruin her day any longer.

Just as she was about to leave her room and head to her laboratory that her Brother Zander had prepared for her to work in, she was stopped by the guards outside.

As per the instructions given to them by the King's aide, Treegan Molt, the two ladies were informed that they were grounded for the next three weeks and they could not even set foot outside the threshold of their bedrooms.

This verdict from the King sounded like a crisp slap to Lady Amaira Omarun's face as she had never been grounded in this way during her entire lifetime.

Being the youngest daughter of the Omarun clan's leader had its perks and one of them was that she had never been chided or reprimanded ever before.

What she desired she was given and right now, she desired to leave this room and visit her lab but the guards would not let her.

To add insult to injury, Treegan Molt had informed the guards that if either one of the Ladies were to disobey the King's orders then they would have to face a bigger punishment which the King would personally bestow on them.

This was humiliating to Amaira who had been doted on for as long as she could remember.

However, recalling the scent of the maid's blood on Lady Marin's body made her curb her anger as she did not wish to anger her Brother Zander any further.

Yet the thought that she had been punished for the sake of a servant was infuriating.

She would usually channel her anger to create the most vicious of poisons but right now even that was not possible.

Therefore, there was only one thing that she could do now to process and dissipate the rage bubbling in her body.

The room experienced the brunt of her furious actions which had caused her anger to lessen considerably once she was done venting.

Right now, she was seated before the mirror as she gazed upon her beautiful face which was being distorted due to her annoyed thoughts.

"Do you think the King knows?" A voice echoed in her ears.

She was not startled nor did she panic as she knew who the voice belonged to.

"You think, Sister Marin?" Her sarcastic response was not appreciated as she heard a hiss coming from the other side.

The voice echoing in her ear was coming from the other room which was occupied by the woman who had been pacing around until now.

"Don't need your snide remarks right now and I am not your sister!" Marin Zolvak scowled in Amaira's ear, making her wince.

Since Marin was a vampire, her voice could reach the person whom she wished to converse with as long as they were a short distance from each other.

This was a common trait among all vampires and even King Zander often used it to relay his orders to his aides.

Sitting in her room, Marin could speak even in the softest of voices but if she channeled her energy properly, those words would resound in the receiver's ears without a hitch.

However, she could only convey her message into the other person's mind but under no circumstance could she read the opposite person's mind.

Unless they spoke to her, she would get no response from them.

Right now, she was using this method to speak to her accomplice in the crime for which they were being punished.

However, Amaira was not so appreciative of this gesture of hers as she had sensitive ears and Marin's scowling had just hurt her.

A purebred werewolf like her had acute hearing powers where she could make out noises coming from far ends of the corridor if she paid close attention so the voice echoing in her ear was excessive without a doubt.

Not to mention that she was already in a bad mood and she was not in the right mind to hear Lady Marin reprimanding her as well.

Amaira was brought up in a pack where she called everyone her brother and sister.

That was the way the Omarun clan functioned and also one of the reasons why she could call the King as Brother Zander and get away with it.

However, Marin Zolvak abhorred that quality in her and never agreed to be addressed as her sister.

'A vampire and werewolf cannot be sisters' Marin always reminded her yet she continued to disregard it and made this mistake every time they spoke.

However, this time was different as she was also annoyed with what had taken place.

"Of course he knows, Lady Zolvak." Amaira changed the way she addressed Marin to a much more distant and reserved way.

If her kindness was not appreciated then she would not go out of her way only to get chided by the other person.

Marin nodded at this change but rolled her eyes after realizing the misunderstanding that Amaira might be having.

"Lady Omarun, I am asking whether he knows of your involvement in this incident?" She reiterated her question to help the other lady comprehend better.

Compared to Marin, Amaira was still a child which meant that the older Vampire disliked her already no matter what she did.

Therefore, though her words were helpful, her tone was derisive and rude.

This time, Amaira was too lost in her thoughts to even bother about this disrespect aimed at her.

"He already knows that I was involved." Amaira scoffed once she snapped out of her thoughts.

In response, Marin let out a snicker as she finally took a seat on the bed in her room while continuing to maintain the communication between them.

"How can you be so dense?" Marin's sneer echoed in Amaira's ear, making her eyes glow with anger once again.

Nevertheless, the Vampire did not allow her to retort and continued to speak.

"The King already knows about yours and my involvement. However, what I am asking is…" She paused and laid down on her bed.

In the other room, Amaira frowned at this silence as she did not like to wait for too long due to her youthful impatience.

"Does he know that you were already aware of who the true victim of your poison was?" Lady Marin glanced at her long manicured nails, enjoying the silence which had come after her question was placed before the bratty werewolf cub.