Rein's Surprising Purity

Since Doctor Bundt wanted to prove that he had the right intentions in his mind while proposing that Rein become his test subject, he decided to reveal his true ability to her.

Explaining in detail how he could sense the flow of blood in any living creature in his vicinity, he sighed when Rein did not display signs of suspicion any longer.

Reina was trying to assimilate the information she was receiving but found no memories being triggered which implied that her predecessor too had no clue about this before today.

Thus, she nodded, indicating to him that he could carry on and that was exactly what he did.

"You see, lad. The high content of poison yesterday had made it impossible for me to determine the purity of your blood." He disclosed while shaking his head at this limitation in his abilities.

He could sense any abnormalities present in the blood of the other person but could not get rid of them right away.

To make this possible, he would need to utilize his medical prowess and that was his plan for today.

However, even without his medicines that we're supposed to flush out the poison from Rein's body, this young vampire had already healed by a large part.

Though traces of the poison remained, it did not pose any threat to him and his body.

This assurance had been the reason why he had reported to the King that his Chamberlain was in better condition and there was no need to worry about his health any longer.

"Using the medicines I've brought over," He picked up the bag he had carried here today before continuing, "the entire poison will be out of your system in just a couple of days."

He was confident in the power of his medicines which could accomplish what he had declared just now.

In his mind, thanks to Rein's "rapid healing" and his medicines boosting the entire recuperation process, what should have taken a few weeks would be done in just a couple of days.

Doctor Bundt had a proud smile on his face as he gave Rein this assurance.

Reina nodded at his words, feeling at ease after hearing what his abilities pertained but soon returned to the crux of the matter.

"What did you mean by 'purity' of my blood?" She questioned as he had not gotten to that part yet.

Earlier, she had assumed that he was referring to the purity of her body but after paying attention to the choice of his words, she had realized that he was most probably not thinking of the matter that had come to her mind.

'Now that makes me the pervert in this situation.' She cursed her mind for jumping to that absurd conclusion earlier.

Hearing this inquiry coming from the young vampire, Doctor Bundt looked as though he was stunned to find that Rein had no clue about the information that should have been common knowledge to him.

However, recalling that people like Rein Melk were fewer in number in their world, he understood that this piece of information was unheard of by many others due to its absurdity.

Finding the explanation why Rein, one among those people, had not yet heard about this peculiarity, he nodded and thought of how he would explain this to the young man.

"Lad, when you spoke about the urge you had last night and seeing how you were out of your stock of pills, I checked your blood once again and found out about your lifestyle choice." He chuckled sheepishly, once again having that faint blush forming on his cheek.

'Lifestyle choice?' Reina tilted her head, confused by the gibberish coming from this old man that she had been listening to for a while now.

Through all that gibberish, she grasped one thing.

Doctor Bundt had found a connection between those far apart pieces of information about Rein Melk.

Her urges from last night were associated with the pills was exactly what she had learned until now.

'Was this body having withdrawal symptoms because I did not take those pills yesterday?' She deduced from the bits and pieces she could make sense of.

Thankfully, Doctor Bundt loved to talk which gave her a chance to hear more from him about her situation as he had a better understanding of it than her.

"You've never drank blood, have you?" He inquired and saw the young lad freeze in his place.

What Doctor Bundt had assumed to be his embarrassment, was in fact, one of Rein's memories being triggered.

Reina sat still as her mind sucked in a series of events and also a few images that emerged into her mind along with the necessary information she needed in order to give this man a proper answer.

Just as the physician had said, judging from the memories she had gained, Rein Melk truly had never drank an ounce of blood throughout the many years of her existence.

Therefore, Reina looked up and gave the physician a nod as she hoped that he would continue with his explanation.

"You see, every vampire consumes blood from the moment they are conceived." Doctor Bundt began his detailed explanation about Rein's situation.

The moment a female vampire is impregnated, which was already an extremely rare and tough process, the embryo that is rapidly growing inside her body starts feeding.

The period of pregnancy could be life-threatening to a vampire as the child in her womb would be constantly feeding on her 'Life essence', the energy a vampire possesses after drinking blood.

The formation of Life essence in their bodies could be considered as the vampire equivalent of a human body producing energy after eating a balanced diet.

The energy that is produced in their body upon consumption of blood is called Life essence and it is the source of their sustenance.

This life essence powers a vampire's body, strengthening it and helping it grow.

However, during pregnancy, if the mother, for whatever reasons, is unable to provide the child with timely nourishment in the form of her essence, then the child would have no choice but to find its own source of nourishment.

In most cases, the embryo growing in her womb would start feeding on the mother's blood directly instead of the essence that it should have but unfortunately, couldn't obtain any.

Such babies often sucked the life out of their mothers, since they were left with no other options.

However, once their source of nourishment is gone, they too would not be able to survive as their bodies weren't fully formed.

In some rare cases, the mother dies during a premature delivery and the child has to quickly find its next source of nourishment or it too would perish soon.

Such cases were rare and almost unheard of for numerous decades now.

Doctor Bundt realized that he had shifted away from the matter at hand and quickly hopped back on track.

"As you already know, pregnancy in vampires is already too troublesome." He sighed and went ahead without waiting for Rein's consensus.

Since it was too difficult for a female vampire to get pregnant, all care is given to them once they succeed in achieving this goal and the earlier scenarios were avoided at all costs.

Therefore, it was a given that even Rein was born in a healthy manner after consuming his mother's life essence while in her womb.

As mentioned earlier, Life essence was the energy a vampire's body produces once blood is consumed.

A vampire could survive on human food too but blood was an absolute necessity to live a long and healthy life.

It could be human blood or animal blood or in some rare cases, even blood alternate, in the form of blood pills, which need to be consumed on a regular basis.

Blood was an essential part of a healthy diet for a vampire of any age.

In exchange of drinking blood, they obtained life essence but it was at a cost.

The potent and pure blood of a newborn who had only survived on his mother's life essence earlier would soon be tainted when he consumes blood of any kind.

Since someone else's blood is being consumed, over a long period of time, the purity in their blood diminishes as continued consumption of blood brings with it its impurities.

With time, these impurities would mix in with their blood, accumulating in and diluting their earlier potent vampire blood still coursing through their veins.

However, in Rein's case, it appeared that not an ounce of his blood was tainted with blood of any other kind.

It was pure vampire blood, far from being contaminated by impurities caused by any other blood entering his system.

This could only be possible if Rein had not consumed blood from the moment he had been born.

People with blood as pure as Rein's were rare and even the King of this Kingdom could not compare to the purity of Rein's blood.

After all, the King did consume blood to sustain his powers and work at his usual pace which would be an issue if he failed to consume the daily required intake of blood, recommended for an adult vampire.

"It is surprising to see that you have survived so long without consuming blood, lad." Doctor Bundt praised the dazed young man for his perseverance to abstain from consuming blood for so long.

To consume blood was in the very nature of a vampire and for Rein to have stayed away from this potent source of life essence, it was truly astonishing for the old man to fathom.