Rein's Curious Encounter With A Feral

'Be ready to subdue him if he attacks.'

'Master, let him drain that child.'

King Zander and his aide stared at each other after these words echoed in their minds.

The option that the King had chosen was a middle ground.

To subdue the knight and tie him up until they found some source of blood, either another forest-dwelling monster or a small animal.

However, the aide had come up with a whole other idea.

Since the knight was oozing bloodthirst and they could not sacrifice any of their own men, he had suggested throwing the child, Rein, over to the knight to feast on.

This way, they could save their knight and even get rid of the person who had popped up out of nowhere.

King Zander glared at his aide for even thinking of such an absurd solution.

They had seen numerous times how a 'feral', a name used to call a vampire driven with bloodthirst, would behave.

Ferals would lose all rationality and sanity in their insatiable search for blood.

They would not be able to differentiate between friend or foe and the only thought on their mind would be to feed.

Any living body with a beating heart and blood coursing through their veins would be enough for a feral to sink their fangs into.

They did not care who it was nor did they care that they were draining the entire life out of the person before them.

All that mattered to them was the need to feed and they would not rest until their stomachs were full.

Therefore, Treegan's suggestion which was to throw Rein over to the knight who was on the verge of turning feral was nothing less than ridiculous to the King.

'He helped us, Molt!' King Zander roared in his aide's mind which succeeded in scaring him stiff.

Their King had his own set of principles he adhered to and one of them was to not stab the back of someone who had lent their help in a time of need.

Seeing that his aide had forgotten this valuable lesson, the King was more than willing to remind him about it.

Those golden eyes of his which were leering at Treegan made him shudder and his feet felt feeble after facing the anger of his Master.

'Forgive me, Master!' He bowed in the next second, confusing the people around them about what had happened for Treegan that made him bow out of nowhere.

General Espren had seen Treegan eyeing Rein a second ago and now he was bowing which made it easy for him to speculate the conversation the Master and servant might have engaged in.

This made him shake his head but looking at his student turning feral by the second, his heart ached as there was nothing he could do once the youngster turned entirely.

'I wish I could save you, boy.' He grimaced at the untimely end that his student would be meeting soon.

After hearing what the King wished to do, without delay, Treegan commanded the other knights to grab onto their peer before he lost all control of his senses.

The knights were quick to obey and restrained the young knight before pinning him to the ground, leaving him no chance to even move a muscle.

However, even now, he was thrashing around as his words turned into incoherent growls and grumbles to be set free.

While everyone's minds were chaotic and emotions in turmoil at seeing a member of their group turning into something untameable, Rein was staring at the young knight with curious eyes.

"Is he going to turn feral?" A curious whisper reached the General's ears which made him look down to glance at the youngster in his hold.

Tilting his head a little, General Espren frowned upon discovering curiosity and excitement in this young vampire's eyes which were being aimed at his knight.

The rest were focused on trying to hold him down or defend themselves in case he broke free and attacked them so he was the only one left to answer this query.

Through gritted teeth, he gave a hum in response which further brought anticipation to Rein's face.

Just as he was about to give Rein a piece of his angry mind, he heard the young boy speaking up once again.

"Why won't you feed him some pills?" His innocent question stumped the rest as this time, Rein's question was loud enough for them to hear.

Three knights holding down their colleague did not relax their hold but for a moment, they too looked up to gawk at Rein with a speechless expression on their faces.

"We have none." Treegan glowered at the naive child before fixing his gaze back on the knight.

The chef had the least experience when it came to combating hence he had been made to stand with General Espren and Rein while the rest were focusing their attention on the soon-to-turn feral knight.

Thus, the chef who had been grateful to Rein gave a quick rundown of the situation they were stuck in right now.

While he did not let Rein in on the details of their journey or their destination, he just let him know of their lack of blood pills and even food.

Rein's eyes widened at this news and he wriggled to free himself which made General Espren glare at him, commanding him to not make trouble when he was not in a good mood.

"But I have pills that you can feed him!" The young vampire who had been wronged yelled in defense.

Before anyone could react, he turned to the chef standing next to him then glanced at the pocket on his side.

"Check it. The black jar." He revealed, jutting his hip out towards the chef.

The chef was dazed for a second before he hurried to poke his hand into Rein's pocket.

The large pocket had numerous items in it but probing around, he felt two small jars among them.

Pulling both out, he saw that one was a clear jar and the other was black.

The clear jar had a mysterious red powder in it while the black jar's contents weren't visible for him to see.

However, he threw the clear jar back into Rein's pocket and hurried to open the black one.

Just as he was about to unscrew the jar, he heard a scream that almost made him drop the jar and its contents to the ground.