Money Matters

After Rein had entered the Palace to serve the King, a new bank account had been given to her and this silver card was connected to that account.

The money Rein earned for serving the King was deposited into this silver card at the end of every month.

'So that is her salary card?' She associated this with the standard procedure in her previous life.

Her inference was right as this bank account belonged solely to Rein Melk and had been created for the chamberlain after 'he' joined the servants working at the Palace.

This explained the existence of the silver card but the blue card had a different origin story.

The blue card was connected to a different bank account, one which Rein had started a few years after she had gotten into the Palace.

If the Silver card was for work use then the blue one was reserved for any personal purchases.

'She commissioned that guild worker to build her the secret pathway using the blue card.' She recalled another piece of vital information.

Each month after her salary was deposited in the silver card, she would transfer small amounts into the blue one to not invoke suspicions from anyone within the Palace.

Since her silver card was created by the Palace officials, they had the right to monitor what was done with the money being assigned to Rein.

However, once that money left the silver account, it was no longer under their jurisdiction.

For this sole reason, to maintain her privacy, she had started a new account which was given a blue card.

Blue cards were meant for the lower classes which was perfect for Rein who did not transfer too much money at once.

Therefore, each month, she would transfer a little money to the blue card which was not suspicious in any way possible.

Understanding that Rein was siphoning her salary into this other card, Reina was a little too ecstatic.

She had been wondering how she could amass money to fund her life after she escaped from the Palace but it looked like her predecessor was already working towards the same goal.

'No, she used that money for other reasons…' Reina's mind was quick to bring up another memory that rejected the deduction she had just made.

The money Rein transferred into the Blue card was used for purchasing goods and services that she could not buy with the Silver card.

One of her top purchases using this blue card was bundles of a special type of cloth.

This cloth material was infused with amplification magic that Rein had later gotten tailored to create the butler uniform she wore each day.

The magic in the cloth amplified her ability to maintain the illusion of possessing a man's physique as it was crucial for her to keep her true identity a secret.

The construction of the secret pathway, the supplies needed to stock up the cottage in the middle of the woods she used as her refuge, and many more transactions were made through that card.

'These books too.' She blushed while looking at the eroticas laying around her bed.

Whereas, the Silver card was only used to accept her salary, letting it accumulate there until she needed it.

Just the thought of the amount that could be currently present in either of these bank cards was making Reina's heart race.

Calming her greedy little heart, she tried to figure out how much she had in her accounts at this very moment.

'Will I have to go to a bank to check Rein's bank balance?' She frowned as she had not yet figured out how to leave the Palace grounds.

Thankfully, it soon struck her mind that she need not head to the nearest bank to check how much money she had in each of her bank accounts.

All she had to do was swipe her thumb across the name engraved on the cards.

In her previous world, all Reina had to do was log into her bank's website to deal with online transactions and other features whenever it was necessary.

However, while there was no internet or smartphones in this world, the very existence of magic had made life easy in every way possible.

Following the instructions that were now clear in her mind, Reina swiped her thumb over the blue card first.

She wanted to see how much Rein had transferred into this account before checking how much more she could do in the future.

The minimum balance needed to maintain a blue card was just one silver.

'87 silver!' She exclaimed while gawking at the number that had displayed next to her name on the card.

It flashed a couple of times before fading away, leaving only the name 'Rein Melk' in the same place as before.

Reina was fascinated to see this technology and repeated the same action a few more times, resulting in the same number being displayed repeatedly.

Only when she was satisfied after playing with it did she stop and move to the next card.

With the silver card now in her hand, she swiped her thumb over the name once again and waited to see what number would show up next to it.

For a silver card, the minimum balance was a hundred silvers or two golds.

However, the number she just saw made her choke on her saliva because with the amount that was displayed, she would never have to worry about maintaining that minimum balance ever again.

Each year there were increments given to the servants working in the Palace based on their performance and the King had followed the same system while paying his personal aides as well.

Therefore, from the first year that Rein had started working here, her salary too had been raised at regular intervals.

Starting from just five golds a month in her first year, the hard-working and diligent Rein was making a whopping twenty golds at this moment.

While this might not seem much, Reina knew better as she was now more knowledgeable about the salaries of the other regular maids and male servants working here.

'They only get ten silvers a month.' She cackled at the difference in their payments.

Those servants looked down on Rein and treated her rudely because of her mild temperament.

However, what they did not know was that while they were struggling to keep their blue cards from downgrading to reds, Rein had the capability of maintaining not one but two cards with ease.

A silver and a blue which was making Reina gloat at the rest of the servants who had wronged her predecessor in the past.

'Rein was too humble.' She shook her head at her predecessor's meek attitude which had led her to be suppressed by those other, lower servants.

Declaring that she would not allow this behavior to continue, Reina moved ahead in what she was doing.

Her eyes fell on the silver card and she swiped her thumb across the name engraved there one more time.


There was just one digit visible next to her predecessor's name but Reina did not panic as she knew what it meant.

Along with the number displayed, there were letters that were meant to indicate the highest denomination of currency present in that account.

The 'BN' blinking next to the number revealed to Reina that the highest denomination in this card was also the highest in the Kingdom.

According to the information flashing on the card, Rein had exactly 9 banknotes which were equivalent to 900 golds.

With her heart leaping in joy at this pleasant surprise, Reina had solved one of her problems.

She no longer needed to worry about the money part of her escape plan from the Palace as she could just use these two cards to live out her entire life in leisure.

'900 golds and 87 silvers~' She calculated the total and hugged those two cards close to her chest before giggling in glee.