Glib Rein

King Zander had a full schedule ahead of him this day so he could not stay for much longer here.

Before he could leave, he glanced at an almost naked Treegan but soon grimaced and turned away.

When his eyes fell on his chamberlain, the look of excitement and joy visible made him scoff out loud.

'He is enjoying the sight of Molt being humiliated.' King Zander shook his head in disapproval at this young vampire.

For the many years that he had known Rein, he had no clue that the chamberlain could be such a vengeful person.

From what he had understood, Rein had waited till the time was right before striking Treegan where it would hurt.

While the chamberlain might have won this time, who was to say the victor of the next round would be?

However, it was undeniable that he was curious to see what would happen next.

Would Treegan overpower Rein as always or would the timid man finally learn how to stand up for himself?