
"He cannot even take a joke? Hmph!" Reina grumbled, not knowing that her words had fallen into the ears of the other aide.

However, oblivious about the seething man standing drenched in the fountain, her mind was troubled at the thought of what could have happened if Treegan had truly attacked her in his fit of anger.

She knew that this body had a lower amount of life essence as it did not consume blood as the other vampires did on a daily basis.

This caused Rein's body to be weaker than the other vampires which could also be considered one of her biggest disadvantages right now.

'And I don't even have Rein's entire memories.' She sulked as this was another factor that deemed her to be vulnerable.

Without knowing what else her predecessor was capable of, how was she going to survive in this scary palace?

Thus, her steps hastened just like the determination in her heart to find a way to strengthen herself had heightened.