Rapid Progress Of the Project!


Nicole looked at Solomon with a face full of doubt.

Obviously, she did not know what a villa was.

She also knew that in her heart, so naturally, she could not build the house like the previous small wooden shed.

Solomon directly used his mind to give an order to the Little Fire Dragon.

Then, he pointed at his feet.

The Little Fire Dragon received the order and activated the fire rock spell.

Solomon's feet changed, and the size of a villa appeared under his feet.

"Wow! This is a villa. It's so beautiful!"

Nicole looked at the size of the villa, and her face was filled with amazement.

This was the most beautiful house she had ever seen in her life!

Solomon nodded. This villa was considered relatively small. If it were too big, the size of the Little Fire Dragon would not be enough. When it evolved in the future, it would be improved again.

He was not in a hurry.

Moreover, Solomon did not have to worry about the stability of the house. The Little Fire Dragon could help him solve it.

The Little Fire Dragon's new innate skill could already firmly attach these things to his back. So, naturally, he did not have to worry about such a small problem.

"Solomon, how are we going to build such a beautiful big house?"

"It's so high, wouldn't the villa collapse?"

"If we build a house on it, will the Little Fire Dragon feel pressured?"

Nicole was like a curious baby, constantly asking questions to Solomon.

Solomon shook his head. He had already considered these questions.

Building such a villa, there was no need to worry about the Little Fire Dragon feeling pressure.

The Little Fire Dragon itself was a huge creature, and this bit of weight could be completely ignored.

As for the foundation, he could just let the Little Fire Dragon condense it.

This innate skill had helped Solomon solve a lot of troublesome matters.

Then, he gave the Little Fire Dragon an order.

To build a house, one must first build the foundation.

Soon, stone bricks condensed on the Little Fire Dragon's back.

"Wow! It's so magical!"

Nicole was attracted by these stone bricks that appeared on the Little Fire Dragon's back out of thin air.

"Solomon, what are these?"

Nicole asked Solomon.

"These are our floors."

Solomon looked at the stone bricks that appeared under the floor and was quite satisfied. It was not much different from the instructions he transmitted to the Little Fire Dragon.

Solomon planned to make two rooms, then two bathrooms, and a hall that was 40 square meters. There would also be a living room that was 20 square meters, and then there would be a kitchen for cooking.

The two bathrooms were because he and Nicole were living together. However, it would be a little inconvenient, so building two was the best choice.

These were all things that had to be done. But, then, it would not be too late to add more when he thought of something later.

Solomon also planned to build a small courtyard. Then, when the time came, he could use it to grow flowers and other things.

Very quickly, a rough scale of the ground was created by the Little Fire Dragon. It looked quite like that kind of thing.

"Wow! Solomon, you built the house so quickly!"

Nicole said to Solomon.

She had built it with her sister in the past. It had taken her two days to build that small wooden shed. She had never seen anything like it. It had only taken her half a day to build so many things.

"Hmm, at this rate, the new house should be done by today."

Solomon said lightly.

As long as he kept thinking, he was confident that he would build the villa in his mind today.

Nicole was shocked again. She thought that it would take a few days, but Solomon said that he would be able to finish it today.

It was not that she did not want to help Solomon, but Nicole could not understand the blueprint of the villa at all. She had no idea where to start, so she could only chat with Solomon at the side.

"Are there any extra wood in the shed?"

Solomon asked.

"No, why don't I tear down the shed?"

"Don't you feel sorry for tearing down the shed? It's getting late, and everyone in the camp has already left. Come with me to get some wood, and we'll decorate it."

Solomon looked at the sky and continued.

He wanted to use wood to make the roof of the house look better.

Needless to say, Solomon's architecture and aesthetic sense were quite good.


Nicole nodded vigorously.

She finally had a chance to help Solomon.

Then, Solomon used his mind to communicate with the Little Fire Dragon.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Solomon, why do I feel like we're moving?"

Because Nicole had awakened the rabbit's ability, her senses had also become extremely strong. Naturally, she felt a slight vibration.

"Mm, I'll get the Little Fire Dragon to send us directly to the camp. That way, we won't have to make another trip."

Solomon was not stupid. There was still some distance from the camp, so he naturally would not run over to get it himself and then carry the wood over.

Moreover, the Little Fire Dragon's walking speed was much faster than a human's. Each step was equivalent to 20 steps!

Not long after, the two of them broke through the stone wall outside the camp and directly entered the inner part of the camp.

Solomon's guess was right. There were indeed many unused wood in the camp. These were enough to make a roof, and they could also use some to decorate the small courtyard or something.

Next, he had the Little Fire Dragon send the wood up.

The Little Fire Dragon cried out and waved its tail, bringing all the wood up.

"Alright, come and help me."

Solomon said to Nicole, who was standing at the side in a daze.

Nicole nodded her head dully.

In just a few seconds, he had brought the wood up?

She had never seen such a scene before.

Solomon began to use a sharp dagger to carve on the wood. He had also enjoyed studying such things before, so he was naturally able to carve it with ease.

In a short while, a thick and sturdy piece of wood was finished, and it was carved into the shape of a small animal.

If the wood was big enough, Solomon could have carved it into two wooden carvings and placed them at the door as decorations.

However, the wood in front of him could only be carved like this.

"Wow, Solomon, did you make this?"

Nicole took the small sculpture and liked it more as she looked at it. After all, it was a girl.

"Yes, do you like it?"

"I like it."

"When I have time in the future, I'll get you a few more."

"Yes, yes."


The two of them got busy again.

Solomon was responsible for splitting the wood in half, and Nicole was responsible for placing the wood in the designated position.

Just like that, the two of them got busy together.

An hour passed quickly.

After the small courtyard had been decorated, it had become very perfect.

Looking at it as a whole, it was already very beautiful.

Solomon planned to build another small swing in the courtyard. When Nicole was bored, she could also play with it.