We Don’t Have Enough Water!

"Let's eat first. We'll clean later."

The aroma of meat wafted out. The breakfast that Nicole had prepared this time was very sumptuous. In addition to the ingredients that she had never used before, the taste was naturally even more delicious.

"She made so much?"

Solomon was a little surprised. Nicole, who was usually frugal, actually made so much delicious food today. There was a big bowl of meat porridge on the table and then a big bowl of roasted snake meat.

Hearing Solomon's words, Nicole smiled slightly and did not say anything.

She saw that Solomon had been too tired recently, so she planned to make a sumptuous meal to supplement Solomon.

"Eat quickly."

Solomon said to Nicole.

The two of them sat in front of the table and wolfed down.

After thirty minutes, the two of them finished eating everything on the table.

Of course, most of the food was still eaten by Nicole. Nicole looked embarrassed. She could not control herself when she saw the delicious food. Nicole wiped the corner of her mouth in embarrassment.

"It's okay. You're growing. Eat more."

Solomon did not mind at all. There was still some food anyway, so he was not in a hurry. The most important thing was to eat his fill.

"Solomon, do you think that if we put this board in the small wooden shed, it will be taken away?"

Nicole revealed a worried expression. If this board were taken away, her sister would not find it when she came back. Would she not miss it again?

Solomon heard Nicole's words. He shook his head and said, "Don't worry. If they want to search, they will search those big houses. No one will search the small wooden shed. Even if there are people, they won't take it away when they see it because the value of this board isn't high."

He had already considered this point. It was placed in the small wooden shed because it was ancient, giving people the impression that it had been abandoned for a long time.

If one did not search carefully, there would not be any signs of people living inside.

Hearing Solomon's words, Nicole's heart was relieved. She believed that Solomon would not lie to her.

The two of them rested for a while. At this time, Nicole recalled that her sister had taught her how to draw before. Only the two of them knew about this.

After telling Solomon her thoughts, Solomon naturally did not have any objections. Instead, he went out and brought in a wooden board for Nicole to draw on.

Nicole looked at the wooden board in her hand and frowned slightly as if she recalled something.

She just stared at the wooden board in a daze. Then, after a few minutes, she began to draw.

"The handwriting is so bad. So the drawing shouldn't be that bad, right?"

Solomon thought to himself.

After a while, Nicole handed the wooden board to Solomon.

Solomon looked at the wooden board in front of him and was momentarily speechless.

There were two young girls drawn on the board, and there were waves beneath their feet.

"What is this?"

Solomon pointed at the waves and asked.

"Oh, this is a small snake. In the past, my sister and I went to catch snakes together."

Nicole said with a serious expression.

Hearing Nicole's words, Solomon's expression quickly changed.

You call this a snake?

Where's the head?

But Solomon could not say it out loud for fear of hurting Nicole's heart.

Solomon probably saw clearly that Nicole was drawing two girls. One was herself, and the other was her sister.

Both of them held small wooden forks in their hands, and there were small snakes under their feet.

If Nicole knew what Solomon was thinking, she would definitely give him a thumbs up and say, "That's right, it's like this!"

Solomon handed Nicole a wooden box prepared in advance and asked her to put it in both wooden planks.

This was to prevent the paint on the wooden planks from fading away when it met the water hidden in the air.

"Let's go, place the things in the small wooden shed."


In the small wooden shed.

In just a few days, the corner of the small wooden shed was filled with spider webs, and there was an indescribable smell coming from it. It could be said that it was damp.

The small wooden shed was very simple and crude. The floor was not made of stone but a thick layer of hay. There was nothing waterproof on the roof, so it would get wet when it rained.

Glancing around, Solomon pointed at the place at his feet and said, "Nicole, put the wooden box here."

Nicole nodded, picked up the shovel at the side, and started digging.

Soon, a hole was dug. Nicole put the box in and then used the shovel to level the ground.

"I hope my sister can find it."

Nicole murmured.

Solomon made a mental note and directly put a stone on the top of the box. If he did not look carefully, he would think that it was just a simple stone. However, such a clue was already very obvious, Solomon believed that as long as Nicole's sister saw this, she would definitely be able to find the box buried underneath.

"Oh, right, I have to go get some more wood and get some cabinets later. Otherwise, there won't be any room for my clothes."

Solomon thought of this problem.

Nicole did not have any objections and nodded.

The two of them carried a few logs each. The snake behind them was covered in logs.

After returning to their own house, the two of them began to move.

An hour passed.

Solomon carved out two closets of the same size.

"It's done."

Solomon specially chose the color of the wood to be the same color as the walls in the room. This way, it would not look so abrupt and would look more beautiful.

"Do you want me to help you tidy up the room?"

Nicole asked.

Hearing this, Solomon shook his head. He did not have anything to tidy up. He liked to keep things simple. Usually, when he woke up in the morning, he would arrange everything neatly. Naturally, he did not have to tidy up much.

It could also be said that it was a side effect of the past.

"What's so smelly?"

Solomon smelled a sour and stinky smell.

He first smelled his own body and realized that it was not this smell. Then, his realization fell on Nicole.

"When was the last time you took a bath?"

Hearing Solomon's question, Nicole thought for a moment and said, "It should be 15 days ago."

Damn, 15 days without a bath. This was even more sour and refreshing than the smell of stinky tofu.

"The main thing is that we don't have enough water now. So we have to use it sparingly."

Nicole pointed at the bucket next to her. As expected, the water in it was almost used up.

"It's okay. It's enough for both of us to take a bath. You go take a bath first."

"Don't worry about the water. I'll think of a way."

Hearing Solomon's words, Nicole carried some water and rushed into the bathroom.