The Black-Robed Woman, Mingyue!

"Oh right, the fish you mentioned last time was taken by me."

Solomon put down the jerky in his hand and said to the black-robed woman.

Actually, he could be considered to have accidentally heard it. After all, the black-robed woman was bound by the snake, so Solomon naturally heard her muttering.

"That fish is not my target."

The black-robed woman said straightforwardly.

That fish was very precious, but her current target was not this fish.

The black-robed woman's answer surprised Solomon.

Not for that fish?

There did not seem to be anything more precious than this fish.

The black-robed woman looked at the almost empty vegetable field and asked, "Did you see a plant with wings?"


Solomon thought for a moment before answering.

Hearing Solomon's answer, the black-robed woman's emotions clearly became agitated.

"Where is it? Can you give me this plant? It's very important to me."


Solomon bluntly rejected her. He looked at the black-robed woman in front of him as if he was looking at an idiot.

The two of them did not know each other. Solomon did not even know what the woman in the black robe looked like. Yet, the moment she opened her mouth, she wanted something. How could he give it to her?

Then, he reacted and said, "I can give you something in exchange."

Solomon shook his head.

"I don't lack what you have. However, the things you have on you should not be as valuable as those in Jack's gang."

"I can show you. You have to show me what you look like, right?"

Solomon started to feel curious about the face under the black robe.

"No, you'll be scared."

The black-robed woman pulled the black robe hat on her head hard.

This sentence completely aroused Solomon's curiosity. "Nothing can scare me. As long as you show me, I can show you the plant with wings."

The black-robed woman hesitated for a while before finally putting down the black-robed hat.

A face appeared in Solomon's eyes.

The black-robed woman had a head of white hair, and her face was very tender. If he pinched it, he would probably be able to squeeze out water.

She also had a straight nose.

Solomon glanced at her and was no longer curious.

He was not a pervert, so there was no need for him to keep staring at a girl.

The black-robed woman did not say anything. Instead, she pointed at the skin under her right eye.

That piece of skin was like a circuit diagram, extending all the way to the black-robed woman's neck. Solomon could only see so much.

Solomon did not change much. Instead, he stretched out his hand and showed the scaly hand to the black-robed woman.

The moment she saw Solomon's hand, her eyes froze.

"It's pretty cool."

Solomon said.

He did not think there was anything special about it. Could it be that there was something special about this red circuit diagram?

The black-robed woman pointed at the defect on his skin.

Solomon now seriously suspected that the girl in front of him was an idiot. She had to make others afraid to be satisfied.

The black-robed woman suddenly quieted down.

She was observing the man in front of her.

This was the only person who was not afraid after seeing her face.

There was no need for the man in front of her to lie as if he did not care at all.

Solomon also stared at the black-robed woman in front of him and asked, "What's your name?"

Solomon stared at the black-robed woman, and a faint blush appeared on her face. Then, she stammered, "I... my name is Mingyue."

"That's a pretty name."

Solomon nodded.

"My name is Solomon."

Before the black-robed woman could ask, Solomon directly said his name.

"Can you show me the flowers now?"

The black-robed woman said to Solomon.

Solomon shook his head when he heard this.

"Not yet. I didn't lie to you. I've already asked the giant snake you saw just now to transport everything back home, including the winged plant you mentioned."

"Is your house near the Jack bandits?"

Mingyue asked.

She originally thought that the giant snake was tied to a person, but she did not expect that it was just some items or something.

Did that not mean that Solomon's house was near here?

If that was really the case, then Solomon was indeed very bold.

"Yes, it's near here. It's not too far."

Solomon felt that there was nothing to hide, and it was not a big deal.

Hearing Solomon's answer, although Mingyue was mentally prepared, she could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.

This Solomon was too bold.

"Mm, I'm indeed very bold."

Solomon saw Mingyue's doubt and said directly.

Mingyue now understood why Solomon refused to cooperate with her. His home was close to the base camp of the Jack bandits, so he did not need a map.

To be able to reach this place, he must be very familiar with this place.

"Then why aren't you leaving yet?"

Mingyue asked again.

Their home was here, so they should hurry up and run. When the bandits outside came in, it would be too late to run.

"There's no rush. I'm waiting for my tamed beast to come over and move the things again."

Solomon pointed at the few sacks beside him. The sacks were filled with smoked jerky.

"They came right after I finished speaking."

Hiss hiss hiss.

The sound of a snake came from behind the bright moon.

She was so scared that her entire body trembled. She did not dare to move at all.

"How can you be so timid? Rainbow Snake, quickly come over and move the things."

Solomon tied a few gunny sacks and the backpack he was carrying onto the Rainbow Snake's body.

"Such a huge beast, and you want him to do the job of moving things?"

Mingyue was speechless. This was a huge snake. Solomon actually used it to do this kind of work. It would be better to let it fight.

Hearing this, Solomon nodded. 

"If I don't let the snake move the items, don't tell me to move it myself? Then I'll be dead tired."

If Solomon moved these things himself, he would have to move them five or six times.

It was too much of a waste of time.

Solomon thought about it and decided to give this black-robed woman something. It was not easy for her to climb up here.

"You want to go home with me?"

Solomon asked again.

Mingyue caught the thing Solomon threw over and nodded.

Then, she opened the thing, and it was full of smoked jerky.

Solomon went to the barrel room and took a small bucket of water and handed it to Mingyue.

"I can take this little thing, but Solomon took so much!"

Mingyue thought to herself.