18. I hate you, Mommy.

"What?" Aurora asked as she looked at Savannah's demanding voice.

"Mommy... I want to talk to Aiden." Savannah Answered.

"Savannah, how dare you raise your voice in front of me?" Aurora asked with her angry voice which made Savannah gulo down her saliva.

Aurora ended the call immediately making Aiden blink his eyes at the call as soon as Aurora ended the call.

He was scared as he heard that Aurora was scolding Savannah on the phone and he was not sure if she would scold Savannah more.

Aiden sighed as he doesn't have any idea why Aurora is behaving like this near him... He wants to know what is that making her talk to him talk this.


"Tell... How can you raise your voice near your mother? Is this the manners that I gave you?" Aurora asked with her angry voice and Savannah just kept staring into her eyes.

"I just want to talk to Aiden..." Aurora cut off Savannah in mid sentence as she yelled.

"Aiden... Aiden... Aiden... What is there in him that you want to talk to him?" Aurora yelled making Savannah flinch with her voice.

"Aurora..." Cassie yelled as she walked towards them and took Savannah in her eyes who eyes are teary as Aurora yelled at her.

"You can't just yell at her like that, Aurora..." Cassie said making Aurora sigh.

"Then what should I do, Cassie? Just look at her how she is talking to me for that bloody Bastard!" Aurora yelled.

"Calm dow..." Savannah cut off Cassie in mid sentence.

"You can't call that to Aiden... He is my Friend!" Savannah yelled with tears making Aurora and Cassie wide their eyes in shock with whatever Savannah just said.

"What?" Aurora asked with her wide eyes.

"Yes, Mumma... You can't call him with names. He is my friend." Savannah answered making Aurora sigh.

"A friend?" Aurora asked.

"Aurora, calm dow... And just to your room right now. I will talk with Savannah!" Cassie said and Aurora shook her head in no.

"No..." Aurora replied making Cassie frown at her.

"Aurora... Listen to me. She is a kid..." Aurora cut off Cassie in mid sentence.

"A kid? Huh?" Aurora asked as she looked at her.

"Is she behaving as if she is a kid?" Aurora asked making Cassie sigh.

"You just saw how she raised her voice at me right? How dare she is?" Aurora asked as she raised her hand at Savannah to slap her but Cassie held her wrist making Aurora look at her but Savannah's eyes were widened in shock as she never saw Aurora raise her hand at her to slap her. This is the first time, she ever did...

"You can't take someone's anger on her..." Cassie said with a stern voice.

"I hate you, Mommy..." Savannah yelled with tears again making them both turn their head towards her.

"You have never raised your hand at me anytime... But you did today! I hate you!" Savannah yelled with anger and ran upstairs to her room crying out loud.

They both heard she locked her door and their eyes widened even more in shock as they don't know what might Savannah do by locking her bed room door.

"What have you done, Aurora? Shit!" Cassie said as she ran upstairs and towards Savannah's bed room.

Aurora just stood there as she is dumbstruck as she had no idea what she did just now...

She tried to slap her daughter and was raised her hand on her... Which she never wants to do. She is her life, how can she just do this?