33. Savannah is a Dangerous kid.

"Good morning." Aiden said.

"Good morning, little brother. So, what is going on between mother and son?" Chris asked making Sarah chuckle and hit Chris Arm made him yell.

"Ouch... That hurts, Mom." Chris said making Sarah chuckle again.

"That is why, I hit hardly." Sarah replied.

"Not fair... For him kisses and for me beatings." Chris said.

"Well... Aiden is a cute guy but you are not. You are naughty!" Sarah replied with a smile as Chris rolled his eyes at her.

"Alright... Fine... What is going on? And wait... Where are you going if not company? You are not the one who leave company works for some normal things. Right?" Chris asked making Aiden nod his head in yes.

"Yes... But... This is something more important!" Aiden answered.

"And what is that?" Chris asked.

"Umm... You know that, I have went to a party last night... Ms. Brown, The bussinesswoman of the year. Her's party." Aiden answered.

"Ohh... Yeah... I remember. You were bored yesterday and want to relax right? I thought you would go to any club but you went to her's party?" Chris asked and Aiden nodded his head in yes.

"Yeah... My Assistant remembered me about her party suddenly... So, thought why not just visit and relax myself." Aiden answered.

"You did well... But tell me, is Ms. Brown beautiful in person?" Chris asked with a smirk making Sarah frown.

"Huh? Who is this Ms. Brown Btw?" Sarah asked.

"Ahh... She is someone... Who won the businesswoman of the year a few days back... They used to live in Australia but as their business is growing, she shifted to New york!" Chris answered making Sarah nod her head ij yes.

"What is her name and age?" Sarah asked.

"Umm... Aurora... Or something... And her age might be around 25?" Chris answered but it came out as a question but Aiden nodded his head in yes letting them know that Chris is right!

"But... Oh... Wait... I heard, she has a mother... Right?" Chris asked.

"What?" Sarah asked.

"Ahh. Yes. She is a mother of a 7 years old girl." Aiden answered.

"Woah... Then Miss?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah... Miss. She is a single mother. None is sure about her boyfriend or husband!" Chris answered and Aiden Nodded his head in yes.

"Ohh... Okay! Whatever... But what about her? Why are we talking about her right now?" Sarah asked.

"Wait... Mom, I asked him if she is beautiful in person because I heard a lot about her beauty." Chris said making Aiden roll his eyes at him.

"Chris... Seriously? You want to know about her beauty?" Aiden asked making Chris shrug.

"Why not?" Chris asked making Aiden look at him sternly making him sigh.

"Okay... Forget it... So, tell me... What about her now?" Chris asked.

"Ummm... Yeah... I and her daughter got a little close last night... She is the cutest kid ever but gosh... Has a lot of attitude... She doesn't care about anyone... She is one hell of a girl." Aiden answered as he told whatever happened in the party making Chris bust out in a big laugh making Sarah smile sheepishly.

"Damn, Man... Aurora is something else... And You did great by banning Ms. Miller. They are too much. She can't just do that with a kid. That's wrong... Well, Savannah is too Dangerous." Chris said making Aiden and Sarah nod their heads in yes.

"True... That kid is dangerous... Though, she is too intelligent for her age." Sarah replied making Chris nod his head in yes.

"Very intelligent!" Chris said making Aiden sigh.

"Yeah... So, this happened. And right now... Savannah wants to meet me and spend time with me." Aiden replied.

"Ohh. Yes. You should. She is really cute. Though, Ms. Brown agreed? She seems like she doesn't like you?" Chris asked.

"Well... She is the one who called me and asked if I could come there and spend time with her daughter for once? Because she wants her daughter to be happy!" Aiden answered.

"Aww... So, cute..." Chris replied making Aiden roll his eyes.