38. The past returned.

Chris stopped the car in front of the Aurora's house.

Chris and Aiden looked at each other as they both took a deep breath.

"I don't know why I do feel nervous suddenly for the first time..." Chris said as he tried to calm himself down making Aiden Chuckle.

"It's happens... Let's get down." Aiden replied and he nodded his head in yes.

They both got out of their car and looked around to see the spacious garden with a few beautiful fountains around the garden and beside there is a play area.

The house looks just so beautiful with mostly made off glass.

They both walked inside as they looked around the house.

"Welcome, Mr. Garcia and Mr. Kelly." The maid said as she welcomed them both inside.

"I will inform, Ms. Brown and Ms. Estella about your arrival. Please have a seat!" The maid said with a polite smile making Chris and Aiden look at each other.

"Alright!" Aiden answered and the maid walked away from them to upstairs.

"Look like, they both are quite close and live together?" Chris asked making Aiden shrug his shoulders.

They both were about to walk towards a the couch when they suddenly heard someone yelling.

"Aurora... Savannah... Delcy... Break fast is ready... Come downstairs everyone!" Cassie yelled as she walked out of the kitchen as she had a glass bowl in her hands. Her eyes were on the bowl as she yelled and just looked up to the one who is standing in the living room just to get the biggest shock of her life.

Her eyes widened suddenly as the glass bowl falls down from her hands as she stumbled back seeing the two guys standing in the living room.

Chris and Aiden eyes widened seeing the glass bowl slips down from her hands and thought she might got hurt.

"Ms. Estella, Are you okay?" Chris asked as he walked towards her but stopped in mid way as Cassie stepped back and moved away from him with her scaredy face.

"You... You..." Cassie stuttered as she looked into his eyes.


"Aunt Cassie..." Delcy and Savannah yelled at a time bringing her from her world. Delcy and Savannah walked downstairs at a time talking with each other but their eyes suddenly falls down on Aiden and then at Cassie and the bowl that got smashed into pieces on the floor.

"Mom..." Delcy yelled as she ran downstairs.

"Aunt Cassie, Are you alright?" Savannah yelled as she ran behind Delcy.

"Wait, sweetheart... Just stay there... The glass pieces will hurt your legs. Let the maid clean it first!" Chris said as he stopped both the girls on the stairs.

"What happened?" Aurora asked as she ran downstairs in her multi color turtle neck t-shirt and a blue jeans.

"Cassie, Are you alright?" Aurora asked as she didn't realise the guys standing there and walked towards Cassie.

"Cassie, Are you alright?" Aurora asked as she walked towards her and held her by her shoulders but Cassie just kept staring at Chris which made Aurora turn around and look at the person that Cassie is staring at.

Aurora's eyes widened as soon as she saw the person that Cassie is staring.

"You..." Aurora said with her wide eyes.

Chris and Aiden looked at each other and then at Cassie and Aurora who still looks at them with shock in their faces.

But suddenly, Chris saw a tear falls down from Cassie's eyes and his heart skips a beat seeing the tear that falled from Cassie's heart.

"Mom... Aunt Cassie." Savannah yelled making Cassie and Aurora come out of their shock.

Cassie looked down and wiped her tear away from her eye and just turned around and walked upstairs before Aurora can stop her.

"Aunt Aurora... What happened to Mom?" Delcy asked as tears rolled in her little eyes.

Aurora took a deep breath as she walked towards Delcy and hugged her making Delcy hug Aurora by her waist.
