48. Broken Hearts Bleeds Tears.

Aiden and Chris saw Aurora and Cassie at the dining room. They took a deep breath as the brother looked at each other.

They clearly know what is going on right now but they don't dare open their mouths and talk rude to them again. Because right now, they only care About the girls. Even though, they barley know the kids, they still wants to know more... 

They just couldn't stop themselves from getting more close to each other. 

Aiden really doesn't have any idea what might had happened to Aurora that she is rude to him whenever they meet or talk... 

But last night was the first time, they met then why would she be angry at him like this? 

He looked at Chris and he saw the love again in his eyes after so long that looks at Delcy. 

He hugged her tightly as if his life is depends of her... But neither he knows why would he feel like that?