I am alive for my daughter.

"Huh? What was that and why did you just leave them like that when he is talking like that?" Cassie asked making Aurora sigh.

"I can't do anything else, Cassie. Whatever they say is right!" Aurora answered.

"It does really feel like, we are keep them away wantedly..." Aurora said as she sighed.

"So what? We are just taking care about our daughters! We are just looking after their future. We don't want them to get any hurt. That is why, we are doing this!" Cassie replied.

"But... They need Aiden and Chris right now... Only then, they can't get hurt. Are you ready to bring them back to the house?" Aurora asked as she looked at Cassie.

"I never again bring Chris here. I don't care if my daughter really gets hurts if she doesn't have Chris... But, I am not going to spoil her future by bringing him back to this house." Cassie answered sternly making Aurora sigh.