Going on Date?

"Umm... We are going to picnic now..." Aurora said as she tried to divert the topic but Aiden clearly saw her hesitation on not answering Savannah's question.

"Picnic?" Savannah asked with excitement.

"Yes... We are going to park." Aurora answered.

"Yayyy... Thank you, Mommy..." Savannah replied with a bright smile. 

Aiden nodded his head in yes as he drives to the park that Aurora has kept directions for. 

They all soon reached the park and they got out of the car. 

They all walked inside the park and walked towards the workers.

"Ms. Brown, we have settled the picnic for you. Hope you like it and have a great day!" A person said and Aurora and Cassie nodded their heads at him. 

They workers all left leaving Aurora, Aiden, Cassie, Chris, Savannah and Delcy alone. 

"Savannah... Let's play..." Dlecy said and Savannah nodded her head as they both took each ball and ran away from there as they played Around the park.