We can't have them in our lives.

"What?" Chris asked making Aiden nod his head in yes.

"Yes... Yes... We are going to their home tomorrow and not only home... But also..." Aiden cut off in mid sentence as he smirked at Chris making him frown at her.

"But also, what?" Chris asked with a curious face.

"But... Also... Um... Um..." Aiden stuttered as he wanted to tease Chris but he sighed seeing Aiden behave like this.

"Idiot... Just say..." Chris said as he again raise his hand towards Aiden to punch him but Aiden grabbed his fist with a bright smile.

"Alright... Alright!" Aiden replied as he smiled at him brightly.

"Aurora invited us for shopping with Savannah and Delcy too!" Aiden said making Chris eyes wide with shock.

"What?" Chris asked as he stepped back from making him sigh.

"Yes... They have invited for shopping too." Aiden answered with a bright smile.