A proud Daughter.

Aurora looked at Savannah who has tears in her eyes... 

She doesn't know what to say but she wants to hear more of what her daughter wants to say to her... But she couldn't because she knows that Savannah will be thinking that, Aurora would be hurt if she says, what is in her heart... 

"Savannah..." Aurora called as she took her closer to her and hugged her tightly as she kissed her hair making Savannah wrap her arms around her neck.

Savannah cried on Aurora shoulders as she caressed Savannah's hair... And let her cry on her shoulders because she wants her to calm down first. So, she can't shed anymore tear with fear by telling about what others think about her... 

"Savannah... Calm down..." Aurora said as she took Savannah's face in her hands and looked at her with love... 

She got up on her feet and took Savannah in her arms making her wrap her arms around Aurora's neck.