Mysterious Person.

"What is wrong with you, Savannah and Delcy?" Aurora asked as they all walked inside the house.

"Mommy, please leave us alone for some time." Savannah said as she walked upstairs.

"Savannah... Just stay there... I am asking you something and you want us to leave you both alone?" Aurora asked and Savannah stopped in the mid way as she looked back at her.

"What do you want to know, Mommy?" Savannah asked.

"What is your behaviour Infront of them?" Aurora asked.

"Umm... It just..." Savannah stuttered.

"Just what?" Aurora asked.

"We are hurt when they didn't tell us that they are going on a date!" Delcy answered making everyone head snap at her. 

"Huh?" Cassie asked and Delcy walked towards her and stood in front of Her.

"Momma... I am sorry. I behaved rudely with you last night. I want to know what do you think about Chris?" Delcy asked making Cassie frown.