Staying away from the kids.

"Aurora..." Aiden said to himself as he took a deep breath.

"Why do I really feel like it's you the one I loved? How will it be possible?" Aiden asked himself as he took a deep breath.

"No... It's not possible... It's not at all possible! Your life style is way different from what her life style is..." Aiden said to himself as he shook his head in no and turned off the shower as he grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist. 

He walked out of the shower and then walked towards the counter as he looked at himself in the mirror. He took a deep breath as he looked at Himself in the mirror. 

"I really hope that it's not you..." Aiden said to himself as he sighed and walked to his closet and grabbed a black turtle neck t-shirt and black pants. He wore them and grabbed a black suit.

He took a deep breath as he walked out of the closet and to his room. 

He sat down on the couch and just then, their was a knock on his door.