My mother has ruined my happiness.

"But Grandpa... One month is really so less... Why can't you just give us a little more time... Like 1 year? It would be good for us to find a solmate?" Chris asked.

"Chris, the time I gave you so far is something to find for your soulmate but you guys were stukk holding on to the past which I doesn't really like. And you know that, I want to hold my great grandchild. So, I want you guys to get married as soon as possible. I don't want any more discussions with you. Do you understand?" Raymond asked sternly.

"Grandpa... Please... Don't do this with us... This is too much for us..." Chris tried to talk.

"This is nothing too much to ask for, Chris... And more over... Not for me... Because, I want to see my grandchildren settle down with their families and have a great life but it's enough for me to see my grandchildren cry over the past that should be forgetten as a bad dream. But you both... I don't know what else to say!" Raymond said.