Date. (Part-1)

"Then why me?" Aiden asked as he raised his eyebrows at her.

"Umm..." Eliana said as she shrugged.

"Why not you?" Eliana asked making Aiden chuckle.

"As I said, you are handsome." Eliana said.

"That's it?" Aiden asked.

"Well, there is more..." Eliana said and Aiden raised his eyebrows at her.

"And that is?" Aiden asked.

"You are hot and sexy and I can have an easy access to get more deals with you if we date!" Eliana said making Aiden blink his eyes at her.

Of course, he knows that she is kidding but he just wants to play around with her. 

"Oh my god... That's too much you know." Aiden said.

"Ohh. Really? I think, that's something fair to do with your boyfriend?" Eliana asked.

"Boyfriend?" Aiden asked.

"Umm... You know, dating means... Don't we become boyfriend and girlfriend?" Eliana asked and Aiden chuckled but he really didn't like the term of being a couple with Eliana.