Date. (Part-4)

Aiden turned towards her making her look up at him.

Aiden stepped closer towards her making her step back.

"Not here..." Eliana said.

"Why not?" Aiden asked as he took another step towards her.

"Well... There are CCTV's in here." Eliana answered.

"Who cares?" Aiden asked as he took a step forward making her hit the metal door of the elevator. 

"Aiden..." Eliana called with a smile.

"Yes, Eliana?" Aiden asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist making her grasp as he bought her closer to him.

She blushed as she lowered her head making her hair falls on her face.

"You are really a shy one. Huh?" Aiden asked as he tucked her hairs behind her ear.

"Well... Maybe..." Eliana answered as she smiled and Aiden chuckled as he bought his face closer to her and pressed her lips against hers. 

They both kissed each other but just then, The Elevator doors had opened up making them knows they have reacted their floor.