We are going to get married.

"Where is Aiden and Chris?" Raymond asked as he directly walked inside the house and Sarah looked up at the voice and Saw Raymond. She sighed as he gave her a cold glare. 

"They are upstairs... In their rooms probably!" Sarah answered.

"Call them... I don't have much time... I need to Leave as soon as possible!" Raymond said and Sarah sighed.

"When did you even have time for us?" Sarah asked.

"Right! I don't have time to even answer such silly questions. So, just call them... I will listen to whatever they want to talk and will leave... But if they are gonna talk about the will then I am not going to wait one more second because my decision will not change either!" Raymond answered.

"You are just too cruel. Do you know that?" Sarah asked.

"Did you call me to ask all these silly questions?" Raymond asked.

"Dad..." Raymond cut off Sarah in mid sentence.