You need to be strong for Savannah.

Cassie frowned as she looked at Aurora who was walking upstairs as she knows where Aurora had gone too and also, she will be thinking about The nightmare that Savannah got.

"Umm... Why don't you go and help her? She doesn't seems well today?" Chris asked making Cassie look at him.

"Go and help her. We will be fine." Chris said and Cassie looked at Raymond.

"It's fine, Dear. You can go and help her. We will wait here." Raymond said.

"Thank you so much!" Cassie replied and Raymond, Chris gave her a small smile and she nodded at Chris and then Ran upstairs behind Aurora.

Chris looked at Aiden who looks at the floor as his expression looks quite sad.

"Aiden." Chris called and Aiden look up him.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked.

"Huh?" Aiden asked.

"We know you went to meet your Dad!" Chris answered and Aiden took a deep breath before he nods his head in yes.