Apologizing Eliana.

"Chris..." Aiden called as he lokked up at him with his wide eyes.

He looked down at the caller id and ended the call immediately without talking anything more.

"What... What did I just heard?" Chris called and Aiden took a deep breath.

"Umm... Actually... Umm... It's Nothing..." Aiden answered.

"No... It's something... I have heard it clearly that... Whatever you said!" Chris replied as he walked towards him.

Aiden looked away from him as he sighed.

"Don't lie to me, Aiden. Be honest with me. What happened between you both last night?" Chris asked and Aiden looked up at him.

"We... We both... Ummm..." Aiden stuttered.

"You both what?" Chris asked.

"We were both about to do it when you called me... Last night!" Aiden answered as he lowered his head down.

"Fuck!" Chris cursed as he looked away.

"Chris, try to understand... It just a moment of..." Chris cut off Aiden in mid sentence.