They are my whole world.

"Huh? What's wrong? What are you guys thinking about? I am asking you something and you aren't at all answering to me and just keep staring at me. Is there anything on my face?" Sarah asked as she frowned at them Making them smile at her.

"Aiden... Chris... Stop teasing me... What's wrong with you guys?" Sarah asked.

"Mom, do you know that you are such a baby even when you are so old!" Chris answered but suddenly, he bit his tounge as Sarah looked at him with anger and Aiden laughed sheepishly as he figured out what's gonna happen to Chris right now because he called her old. 

"Woah... Woah... I am... Just... Joking. Yes. I am just joking. You are not old... You are young." Chris said as she looked at him with her fake angry face.

"The heck... I am not old... I am still young. You guys are old. Just look yourself in the mirrors. You guys love to sleep more than thinking to hit a gym. You guys rarely hit the gym." Sarah replied.