I've been hurt too!

"Ohh... You are here to give me this?" Aurora asked and Aiden smiled.

"Well... Yes. But actually, not!" Aiden answered and Aurora frowned.

"What do you mean?" Aurora asked as Aiden stepped closer to her again.

"Are you still angry on me?" Aiden asked as he looked at Aurora in her eyes.

"I told you already that I am not. Why do you keep asking me this again and again?" Aurora Asked.

"Because I can see anger in your eyes for me!" Aiden answered and Aurora sighed.

"You know it that I am angry on you then why are you asking me?" Aurora asked.

"Why can't I ask you? Don't I have a right to know what I did to make you angry on me?" Aiden asked.

"You know so well why I am angry on you! Don't you? Or else, you sre behaving as if you really have no idea about?" Aurora asked making Aiden took a deep breath.

"Aurora... Try to understand what I was trying to say yesterday. It was not that..." Aurora cut off Aiden in mid Sentence.