Why don't you give her a chance?

"Sorry?" Aiden asked as he Chuckled looking at her making her look at him.

"Do you think sorry will make everything alright?" Aiden asked as he looked at her and Macy didn't at all answer anything.

"Do you really think your sorry will make everything alright and bring back my dad that had been passed away just because of you?" Aiden yelled making her flinch and she let out a sound from her mouth as tears started falling down from her eyes.

"You are just unbelievable!" Aiden said as he walked out of the Elevator and was about to walk away towards his office when he was stopped in mid way with Macy's voice.

"No. I can't bring back your father even though whatever I do right now. Because I have already lost him a long back ago..." Aiden cut off Macy in mid sentence.