I feel lonely.

Everyone looked at Raymond with their frowned faces as he said those words.

"You really want that to Happen? I thought, you had already forgiven her?" Sarah asked and Raymond looked away from her.

"Dad... Is it true whatever you have said?" Sarah asked.

"Look, Sarah... I don't have to answer anyone of you here... Because, I know my ways very well. I know, what to do and what not too!" Raymond answered making Sarah sigh.

"I don't care with what you do and what you want to do! But, remember don't try to dare to bring her close to me... If you do something like that then I won't forgive you either!" Aiden replied and walked away from there... 

"Umm... I am sorry with the way he behaved." Jacob said as he lowered his head.

"You don't have too and you know that too!" Raymond said as he stood up from his chair making others get up from their chairs too!